


The winter, ( and I use the term loosely ) of 2011 / 2012 will go down in weather history as being one of the mildest and snowless in a long time. Here at least. Around the world, not so much.

February 23, 2012

February 24, 2012

Took the Farm Guardians for a run yesterday in the snow and what a beautiful world we found. One of  "snowy lace" and  "laden Boughs."

We may not be out of the woods yet but with a month to go we have had a relatively good winter on the farm.  So far we have only delt with frozen water lines once ( touch wood ) and saved much in fuel by not having to move snow.

However as snow enthusiasts ourselves the cross country skis, snowshoes, toboggans and sleds, not to mention horse drawn sleigh rides have been mostly idle.
Skates however  were almost needed just to get us all around with all the ice.

With SPRING approaching, thoughts turn to gentle rains and warm sunshine to help the 2012 crops to grow.

What ever it looks like out your window ----- ENJOY THE DAY !!!


A big welcome to Ben and Barney, 15 and 16 years old respectively. These two friends and workmates have been together since they were 3 and 4 years old.

Ben and Barney are two handsome  " WHITE BELGIANS " that have come to live and work on our farm under semi-retirement from an Amish / Mennonite farm in western Ontario.

Although  they will look different in harness than our " Red Sorrel Belgians," I'm sure they will fit in just fine.

Stay tuned throughout the year for further updates and pictures of this team of "WHITE BELGIANS."

Or as our friends with that  "other breed " say;  "GIVE IT UP ALREADY----THEY'RE PERCHERONS"



The Homesteader
Further information from our Pennsylvania trip, the re-introduction of the " HOMESTEADER."

Pioneer Equipment from Dalton Ohio was one of the vendors at the 2012 Harrisburg Pennsylvania Draft Horse Sale. They were there with a wide assortment of horse drawn implements, wagons etc...


We had been able to use the proto-type of the Homesteader in 2011.  They (Pioneer Equip.) has since perfected this amazing multi-tasking piece of equipment for use on any Farm Homestead, Sustainable Farm or Market Garden where horses are your power.


For further information and more pictures on the Homesteader and other equipment available click on Pioneer Equipment on our BLOG page.