





Even thought the days seem longer with the extra daylight, there sure hasn't been warmer temperatures! Our Granddaughter however has thoroughly enjoyed her new umbrella she got for her birthday.

 This time of the year brings all
things "NEW"!  We have had a
 NEW baby calf and everyone
always looks forward to the
arrival of the NEW baby
Since last I blogged we have been busy with farm, real estate and school. I have returned to school to take some computer courses to assist Kim with his Real Estate, so the college is trying to teach (me) an  "Ole Dog New Tricks"!
Before the snow left we took mules Tony & Fred to the field to try out the "Log Arch". They did a real fine job.
We have been to Western Ontario to pick up a supply of Pioneer horse drawn equipment ( FORECARTS & EVENERS )  so anyone looking for these items give us a call. We also have a good supply of Stayner Mineral ( puts the best hoof on a horse) CALL:613-969-1345.
Just when everyone was beginning to think gardens, the ice storm caught everyone by surprise!  It seems to have been hit and miss, but province wide.  The raspberry canes are trimmed out & ready and I will start planting up greenhouse this weekend. The spinach, kale and lettuce is re-growing from last fall and is very tasty.  It has been a little to cool to uncover strawberries and garlic but with the most current forecast it sounds like sunny and warmer temperatures on the way. FINALLY !
     I would like to take this time to thank all our loyal customers that have supported the
FARM MEAT SHOPPE for the past 10 years.  You all know the reasons we chose to close and your well wishes and support means a lot to us. Kim's venture into Real Estate has been very good and he now needs an office manager which is where I come in.
With that said, the fact that we closed our doors left people wondering where to get the same quality of good, healthy, homegrown products. I have directed you where I could & hope you have all been successful in sourcing out other venues.
We also wondered if you would all take a moment to think about the GMO (Genetically Modified
Organisms) Alfalfa that the large profitable corporations are pushing on farmers everywhere. We strongly suggest that you GOOGLE: STRATTON FARM STIRLING ONTARIO for an insightful read on this subject. AND YES, BE CONCERNED, IT EFFECTS US ALL & FUTURE GENERATIONS!  ( you may have to access Stratton Farm's archives on the side of their latest blog to retrieve article.) If you don't grow your own VEGGIES,  then when you are on Michael and Sally's
(Stratton Farm Blog) then you may be interested in their  CSA  (Community Shared Agriculture)
Vegetable Packages!
Well as the end of April rolls around as well as TAX TIME, we wish you all well and will report (as resolutioned back in January) again in May.
                                                                                        Till then,
                                                                                                       Kim and Jeanne
P.S. I had much trouble loading more pictures so
if it will let me I will add them at a later date.