



                              Global warming? Changing seasons? Whacky Weather!

Hard to believe that June 2013 has been as cool (cold) and wet as it has. Throw in a couple of HOT DAYS and the household cooling/heating system has no idea if it should be COOLING or HEATING!

Most fields of corn got planted in the area. Some where a little lime green for a while but will come out of that. Soybeans will now be a little behind in planting due to soggy fields. Winter wheat looks fantastic and spring grains should be okay.

" Make Hay While The Sun Shines!" Well we are all waiting for the sun to shine! We are more than a little behind in that category.

June Daisies
The only excitement around the farm this past month was the escapee's!  8 Belgian geldings that took advantage of a knocked down gate and then went A-WALL over 200 acres.  FREEDOM !!!   I truly wished I'd had a picture of manes flying. After an exhilarating run they seemed relieved to be herded back into their original pasture.

The meat chickens ( capons) have been raised and put in the freezer for summer and autumn meals. Strawberries are loaded with blossoms and hopefully it will turn warm enough to ripen fruit. Garden continues to flourish, some things progress rapidly liking the cool weather and others things are awaiting hot temperatures.

Regardless of what the day looks like, remember  "It's always sunny above the cloud cover"

Enjoy your day!

Have added a couple of recent farm photos.

Until next time,    Kim & Jeanne

Wally coming for grain

Mister enjoying his grain