


                      GOOD BYE NOVEMBER.......................HELLO CHRISTMAS !!!

        Well there it is !!!  My intentions were good,  I almost made it,  I'll try harder next year !!!  I just about wrote in this BLOG every month like I suggested I'd do last January. The last two entries found me combining months as the days with in those months were FULL. ( Not complaining mind you ) Busy is good!

     So here we are, Halloween gone, Rememberance Day remembered. As we move through November into December we are now into Santa Claus Parades. We have 8 to do this year and so far have done them in sunshine and mild temperatures, freezing ( and I mean FREEEEZING ) temperatures and a cold damp drizzle. We dress appropriately, and always enjoy the day and the people. This year there has already been quite a bit of Christmas SPIRIT with everyone shouting a Merry Christmas Greeting along the parade routes. Belgians, Pete & Jake usually represent us and Century 21 at these functions and they look forward to it as much as we do. ( see photos below )

Our Century 21 float waiting for parade to begin
A Pete & Jake close up

I am also adding a few "forgotten" photos from previous blogs.  I eluded to a video of Pete & Jake pulling the "STONE/ROCK puller" at O'Hara Mills this past summer, ( see July 2013 blog) which I never could get converted over to this space. Also there are a couple of pictures of mules Tony & Fred pulling a log arch last February ( see Feb. 2013 blog).

Kim, Pete & Jake plowing kitchen garden at O'Hara Mill
Pete & Jake ready to move massive stone at O'Hara Mill

Kim, Tony & Fred accessing log to be hauled
Hook up

Moving log

We will take this opportunity to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas & all the best for the New Year 2014!for t

If your ever interested in Kims real estate page, listings and other blog then link:

We leave you with a couple of farm pictures below of a Christmas nature. Enjoy family & friends!

Till next time,

Jeanne & Kim