

Welcome 2014

                          THE NEW YEAR IS HERE !!!

           The weather during the end of 2013 and into 2014 has been VERY CANADIAN !
Snow came to blanket the land which is a good thing for crops like fall wheat and hay ground. If you still had corn out however it has slowed or stopped a winter harvest. We were fortunate to get ours off just before the snow. The young man who combined for us still has some out in the fields of his own and they are working away at it as they can.

December 2013 snow on corn.

Then the ICE came! Not to much to say other than WOW!!! If you were one of the lucky ones that the ice didn't hinder your travels or your power source, then you could look out your windows and admire the sparkling GLASS show Mother Nature had provided. I ventured out with boot picks and ski pools to snap a few pictures.

Icey tree tops.

Raspberry canes trying to hold up to a blanket of ice.

A 2 yr old peach tree looking for spring!

We had had a few horse sleigh rides booked for the holidays but due to the ice we had to cancel them. Didn't want people or horses to slip. With more snow we hope it will soften the ice crust a bit and make it a little easier for all of us to get around.

Above, Tony the mule is enjoying a winter wonderland! With a lot of winter left to go I hope you
are able to get out and enjoy it. Whether you skate, play hockey, down hill ski, cross country ski
snow shoe or walk the cold air and sunshine really is good for us all.

Until next time we leave you with a lovely picture of the sun setting across from our farm.

Stay warm !      Jeanne & Kim