


             DOG DAYS OF SUMMER               

Living just a few minutes outside of the bustling metropolis of Belleville would lead one to think we are more urban than rural - NOT SO. This farm we call home is a wonderful example of a lot of what mother nature has to offer within minutes of town! The farm seems to be teaming with both domestic animals and wild life.

We get to listen to true " Country Music " with the frogs croaking their chorus first thing in the spring every night as we drift off to sleep, then as spring turns to summer we hear the birds and babies chirping and singing their own species special song, morning doves haunting tune in the a.m. and the robin sweet notes as the day progresses. Then there is the crickets chirp, lovely through out the day but a tad annoying at 3 a.m. if they found away inside.

Probably the most recognized sound of the " Dog Days of Summer "  would be the tree Locust or some call them a Cicada. Their hum is indicative of a VERY hot day!

A special sight here on the farm began a few years ago now. Up on the south pasture a wonderful ritual was started. It seems that a few hundred Dragon Flies call the area closer to the trees "home". Day in and day out they can be seen flying and diving to grab any and all misquotes out of the air. This show has led the grandkids and myself to give the route a name of honour as seen in the pictures at right. " Dragon Fly Way "

We are also hosts to many four legged critters, squirrels, fox, deer, coyote, skunks, and neighbourhood sightings of moose, fishers, porcupines, bears and cougars!

 The garden this year has a visiting rabbit. Most all of the veggies he or she would like to munch are in my raised beds so I have foiled their plans but they are enjoying the clover that I planted under the tomato plants as green fertilizer. I accidentally found one of the fluffy fellows while picking tomatoes. I moved my foot forward and heard the most horrified squeal and the little bunny took off at an alarming rate. He/she appeared to be fine and continues to munch on the clover and leaves all else alone!

We have a couple of Farm Show's and Plowing Matches under our belts and had great fun at both.  We had our Century 21 booth set up at the Hasting's Match and it was visited by many. We were blessed with great weather although HOT and the rain held off till most got out of the plow field, except us, we got soaked through and had to have a tractor pull us out. Trailer, mules, plow, gator and golf cart!!! Kim thought I should have taken a picture and if I hadn't been drenched and in ill humour I would have. I have since dried out and cheered up!

The garden is producing nicely and tomato sauce is on the canning list at this time. My daughter plants and tends the onions and you can see they have done very well. Thanks C.

She also gave her Dad a hand at showing Gracie the filly foal at the Simcoe Show where they won a 2nd place ribbon. 

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s ! ! ! 

I will leave this time with a picture of the herd of beef cows, Moms and Babies a top the hill enjoying the evening breeze and the great view !

Remember :  As we enjoy all the wild life we have around us we must also find a place to "like" the snakes, spiders, wasps, flies etc... they all have their place in the greater scheme of things !!!  Welcome to you all !  Just all stay outside!!!

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim