

January 2016

     Here it is almost mid January ( the 10th ) as I write this first blog of 2016!!!  The seniors in this family always said, "The older you get the FASTER life seems to pass."  After pondering this phenomenon for a few years and now actually witnessing what they said as true, that yes the time does seem to move along fairly quickly. I will however put another spin on it. Maybe, just maybe we can look at it that we are very blessed to have such full and active lives that TIME just seems to march on so fast because we are always " looking ahead " to another upcoming event. So when you "calendar watch" like this family tends to do for the next appointment, next hockey game, next social engagement it maybe just SEEMS like it's moving to quickly and before you know it your in the next month!

        I wrote in Kim's Century 21 Blog, see: about the lack of snow so far this winter and the hardship for the folks that depend on the white stuff for their income. So I won't repeat myself here but those that do require a true Canadian winter for their lively hood and also the maple syrup folks that need those deep cold temps for the trees to rest then produce syrup - may the weather soon cooperate. And as winter brings sleighrides and snowshoeing we also are looking for snow!
So as we greet the New Year with resolutions or not, we can certainly strive to slow down the calendar and enjoy each day as it comes. 

    If and when the snow does come please travel carefully on it or through it and enjoy it! At the speed the Calendar flips it'll be Spring before we know it!!!

                                                                        Until next time,
                                                                         Jeanne & Kim