

February 2016

Well we are just a week away from VALENTINES DAY as I write this February blog.


  Once again this year as in the past few ( see previous Valentine blogs in Archives ) I have been finding "clues" of the up coming day. While out on a walk with my canine friend we came across a whack of timely reminders.


       The first was a loose connecting

      wire on the fence that seemed to

            resemble a heart shape

The next was this Maple Key which had landed on the new 

fallen snow. It appears in a rather "elongated " version of a 

heart - but a heart shape non the less!

The 3rd clue I found was amazing! 

This last summers Hornet's nest was

tucked up against this barn board

 in all it's Heart shaped glory!

How ever you spend your Valentine's Day watch out for the clues of - love - all around us on this day and every day.  It could be warm thoughts of a current love, cherished
 memories of someone who has passed on, the giggles & hugs from a child or grandchild, the truly unconditional love from a pet, a kind neighbour, a beautiful sunrise/sunset, walking softly  in new falling snow - the list goes on. 

Hope today as I write this you enjoy a festive meal ( chili or maybe pizza & wings ) while taking in the 50th Super Bowl with family or friends or both!

We have made it to almost mid February with what some are calling an enjoyable winter. I have been able to walk, snowshoe, cross country ski, walk with ice picks, and in rubber boots.  Sometimes all in the same week as the weather could change that much.

The tulip plant on my kitchen window has bloomed a lovely soft pink and looks so 
"Spring-y" against the window and snow covered lawn. 

Spring will be here before we now it.

Until next time, 

Jeanne & Kim