

June / July 2016

Buttercup on Pasture
Well my best laid plans of once again putting up a blog monthly escaped me! I did indeed hand write this one at the end of June but here it is July 5th and I hadn't got it posted until today! Oh well, life wasn't meant to be so rigged. 

A real ole' fashioned RED Lady Bug!

As we approached the end of June we reflected on a whirl wind of a month. Hoping that all Dad's and Father figures enjoyed a wonderful day!

After we got over the up/down in temperature ( yes we too caved in and turned our furnace on a couple of mornings just long enough to take the chill out of the walls) the month of June seemed to level itself out a bit. Haying went well, we now await 2nd cut in July if the rains allow.

In our May blog I had been following the arrival of Robin eggs that she laid in a rather peculiar place. Kim said right from the start that the nest was to low and very vulnerable to predators. 4 eggs in total were laid. Mom and Dad did a wonderful job of hatching. All 4 wee ones arrived and grew to get their pin feathers. This is when tragedy struck. Our hearts were broken when we got up one morning and went for our walk only to find an empty nest and evidence of a scuffle. We will never know if it was a raccoon, fox, fisher or another larger bird. We finished our walk in silence and with heavy hearts. It was a reminder that Mother Nature is very beautiful but also VERY challenging. 

We are thankful for a busy real estate season and again have met so many nice people.

Every once in awhile I bump into a customer that use to come into our farm store and it's always delightful to catch up.

I wrote this Blog while sitting and observing the cows on pasture and they and their babies seem so content. There has been one more late arrival and we now have just one more to come. The horses and mules are seen here on an evening stroll.

Best head to the veggie garden and pull a few weeds.

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim