


              IT'S TO LATE
      FOR MOST 2016 CROPS

Pasture in the first week of June
Same pasture only a few weeks later
We are indeed thankful for the rain's arrival as it will replenish low wells and maybe save some vegetable gardens or parts of.  It is apparent though in much of southern Ontario that the field crops  like hay for bales and haylage, corn for silage and grain corn and soybeans etc...for feeding animals and commodity sales are in horrible shape. For human consumption it's the large field vegetable crops for stores, farm stands and CSA (community shared agriculture)  boxes that have suffered. 

A wee "tree foil" plant survives while all  the grass around it dies!
The loss of these crops is a very serious financial problem for farm folks. The dairy & beef industry ( and other animals ) depend on the summer crops to be harvested for their winter meals. People are scrambling to locate other Ontario farmers that maybe had more rain than us to purchase harvested crops. Others have found hay and spoke for grain corn from other provinces. When you drive buy the fields notice that the corn is only knee or waist high, it should be way above ones head by now and filling out the cob. The plants themselves have lost so much nutrition with so many dry days that no amount of rain can put that back.

The marshes and the lives they support have also dried up. I can only imagine what has become of all the frogs, turtles, dragonflies etc...even the field mice and moles have been perishing in the fields as they have had no water to drink. 

Hopefully all will regain a "normal" balance as the summer continues and we can only hope that the season will even itself out. A winter full of snow will be needed to replenish the water table if we don't get enough rain by freeze up.

As the summer progresses we hope that most folks have had enjoyable holidays and time with kids home from school. For the most part it has been great weather for camping, swimming, cottages and all outdoor activities. 

The Hastings County Plowing Match and Farm Show is on the 24th and 25th of August this year and is always a great way to spend the day. If you venture out be sure to come and say hello to us out in the plow field and see Dolly and Loretta ( the mules).

As I write this Blog I am realizing there are only 3 weeks left until school starts again. Make the most of it before we all get back into the structure that September brings.

                      Until next time,
                      Jeanne & Kim