

JUNE 2017


           VERY HAPPY 
           CANADA DAY
        WISHES TO YOU,

Not too much to report on for the month of June. Hoping that fathers and father figures all had a happy day back on the 18th of the month. 

Rain continues, and continues and continues, wrote about this on Kim's site, go to: and click on blog.

Have only a few pictures to post this month. The first was from a trip to a local water way. I know it has rained and rained but I had never seen such a sight of mosquitoes as the one my friend and I found along 8 miles of shoreline. If they aren't showing up in photo it's worth enlarging to see!

These flying critters were everywhere and surrounding our car for quite a few miles. I prayed we didn't  have a breakdown as we would have been eaten alive! 

The next is a photo of the beautiful gardens of SUNNY SLOPE MARKET at 450 Foxboro Road, Foxboro. Pictured here is the floral part of the garden. They sell cut flowers by the bunch or already in vases ready to go - all at very reasonable prices!
They also had the most wonderful strawberries and they have a great choice of other in season vegetables as the season unfolds, GROWN ORGANICALLY. They have some fruit in season as well like peaches and apples.

Came out the back door the other night to be greated by this cheery rainbow. It was a double but alas I was too late to catch them both.

This photo shows just how high the pastures had grown with all the rain. Hay fields are even higher at this point and well past the time they should be cut but the ground is way to wet to lay it down and it will never dry until the sunshine returns. So we wait. 

The last picture struck me as too funny as to not whip out my phone and snap a shot! 

So as the picture indicates this is the END for the June blog.

Until next time, 

Jeanne & Kim