

November - 2017

Welcome November!  Cooler temperatures, cold rain, frosty mornings and only one small dusting of snow, so far! Hoped that the wind would blow all my leaves from lawn out into the pasture but alas, not so lucky this year. I had to get the rake out the other day and physically remove them. Oh well the exercise is good for the muscles.

Our team of Belgian geldings, Jag and Juno had a good workout the other day spreading manure. Kim and the team took out about 7 loads and the boys did a great job! See videos below.


Juno, Jag and Kim spreading manure

Most farmers are working away at the corn fields now and I think for the most part folks are happy with the yield. We ourselves got 4 Tonne an acre from our field which we use to put in our grain stove to heat the house, shop and garage. Economical and renewable!

Took another course in the field of art at Michaels the other day. See sketch below of a puffy Cardinal. Two more classes to go in December - will post pictures if they look like what they are suppose to!

With Christmas parades in the area and all the lights going up one starts to think of the up coming Christmas Holidays with a little more earnest. Will decorate in the next week or 2 (on a small scale).

Don't require as much Christmas baking as we use to because WE don't require it to eat - feel  much better on lighter fare!

A 27 year old "fake" tree still looks "good enough" to carry us through a few more Christmas's yet!

Not to many gifts to buy, more of a focus on the reason for the season and family.

Always hope for SNOW for the grandkids and sleigh rides, time will tell on that score.

Hope everyone enjoys the preparations as much as the day it's self.  Will hope to get December Blog up in the days leading to the 25th.

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim                               Click here for fast access to Kim's Century 21 website