

December - 2017

                              CHRISTMAS IS ON IT'S WAY !

The first real snow fall of the season is upon us. Here in the Belleville area we have not fared to badly as other areas have received much more than us. I know the driving can be hazardous so folks be careful out there - but boy, it sure looks pretty. 

Here at the farm we always hope for a moderate amount of snow. Fields with a snow cover are more healthy than without. If left bare the ice can build up and smother out hay fields or fall wheat. 

On the recreational side of things the snow is great for winter fun! Horse drawn sleigh rides, tobogganing and sledding, snowshoeing and cross country skiing!  To the right is Kim giving a friend of ours a birthday cutter ride while I jumped off to take the photo. Molly mules Dolly and Loretta are pulling us and one of our pups followed along. It was a great outing! Below we have a sleigh FULL of folks with 4 Belgian geldings towing us along!
 We are expecting 2 baby Belgian foals in the New Year. One from 1st time Mom - "Reign" and one from "Olympia" who had the last 2 filly foals born on the farm. "Ruby" last year (pictured below with her mom) on a snowy late February 2016 day, and Gracie who was born in 2015 and is now living in Lakefield and will hopefully be in the folks 6 horse hitch in the future.
I will post an update on their arrival in January or February.

"Ruby" and Mom "Oympia"

This beautiful wreath is found at 
in Stockdale @57 Maybee Rd.

Benita Glover (store owner) and assistant Judy have put together the most gorgeous Christmas/winter baskets and wreaths to adorn your house exterior, and the store itself has loads of ideas and things to purchase for outside and inside your home. Most with a nod to Nature!

See photo gallery below for some of the items she had on hand when we visited her shoppe a couple of weeks ago. You can also purchase spring/summer plants from their greenhouse when the season begins. I have never seen such HEALTHY plants as theirs where! 
You can find out more info at:


I have taken a couple of more art courses at Michaels's (see pictures below). I am a long way from being "great" but I impressed myself with my efforts and figured that's all that really mattered.

Coloured pencil sketch of a "Puffy Cardinal"

Acrylic painted "Snowman"
                          Hope folks have a fabulous Christmas 
                          and will write again in the New Year! 

                                                                           Until then, 
                                                                       Jeanne & Kim

                       To see Kim's current listings or to check out his Century 21 Blog see link below: