

January - 2018


Am hoping everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year! Here at the Farm we had a lovely Christmas with family and friends and enjoyed great food, fellowship and even a Christmas day sleigh ride.

As the week wore on however the flu got a hold of some and New Years Eve were left feeling a little less than festive.

All is well again (thank you) and in the midst of feeling blah we had a wonderful event in the barn. See the pictures below of our newest addition - "Cruze." He and his mom "Reign" are doing well and I hope to add to these pictures in the next week when they get to exercise outside when the temperature rises a bit!

Baby Belgian Boy - "Cruze"

Those wobbly long legs!
If you are out and about cover up fingers and ears in these brutally cold temperatures and your face as well if out for any length of time. There are all kinds of jobs and trades where folks have to work outside no matter the weather - remember to take care!

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim