

March 2018

from Lila and Cruze!

I really am one of those folks who does NOT like to dress up my pets (dogs) no offense to those who do mind you - but a family member showed up with these St. Patrick Day hats and well - the picture speaks for itself! I don't think Lila or Cruze minded much as they seemed more than willing to pose!

And here we are 1/2 way through March as I write. Hard to believe spring is right around the corner! All in all - weather wise - we are counting the winter of 2017/18 as "OK" as standards go, hope it was ok for one and all.

As we "march" through March be sure to enjoy a pancake breakfast with "real" maple syrup at a hosting sugar bush or hall. This Sunday the 18th you will find the Centre Hastings Fire Department at Ivanhoe hosting one such meal as well as the O'Hara Mills Homestead just outside of Madoc. In the weeks to follow you can also enjoy pancakes at the Sandy Flats Sugar Bush just outside of Warkworth along with a stroll or horse drawn wagon ride through the woods. Check all of these out on Google for more information and times! You can also purchase great syrup in most places that host a pancake breakfast either indoors or out. There are many great ones around, our favourite is the syrup from Sandy Flats Sugar Bush. Under new owner and management by Chris and Robin Clark and their 2 daughters. I heard through the grape vine that Warkworth and the Sugar Bush had a very successful weekend on the 10th and 11th.  Congratulations to all involved in making a it a great time for families and folks to come out and enjoy.

Not to be out done by the horses one of the canines in our life wanted to pose with the St. Patrick Day hats. Don't tell her she has it on backwards!

....and she was most happy when it came off !

If you drink any Green Beer this weekend - do so responsibly - and have fun! When next I write we will be in the month of April were we will hope the showers bring May Flowers but as not to get to far ahead of ourselves  -  may you enjoy EVERY DAY!

                        Will leave you with a cool and icy picture of the farm this past winter!

Until next time,  

Jeanne & Kim

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