

September - 2018

Very hard to believe that we are approaching the END of September already!

With the return of kids to school and fall/winter activities beginning, the days seem to rush by. Here at the farm our Fall days of coarse are filled with real estate but we also find a bit of time to attend the odd Plowing Match. This year most matches have been "hard going."  The ground not necessarily "dry" from any lack of rain but we have found farm after farm that has hosted to be a "no till" farm and the ground has been like cement from - in some cases - years of compaction!

Plowing on Wolfe Island on VERY compacted soil
We attended the International Plowing Match in Chatham last week ( Kim's idea of a Holiday) and found the fields we were plowing in to be like concrete. After speaking to a few area farmers we were told that some in the area haven't plowed in 15 to 17 years! That makes for a lot of wheels going over the same ground for a long time - hence the compaction.

Is there a right or wrong way to grow crops - tilling VS non tilling ? - the jury is still out on that one, everyone has a different opinion and my intent is NOT to stir up controversy - all's we know is that horses/mules and man found it VERY hard going.

Always a nice trip over to Wolfe Island to plow, the ferry ride, usually the weather, etc... but this year was on the only COLD weekend of September and again the ground was like rock. Always interesting to plow at the base of the giant windmills. All opinions of such, will be left out of this blog as to NOT stir up controversy! (lol)

Plowing incredibly close to the Urban Sprawl in Durham/York
A good day was had at Durham/York plowing match but unsure of whether it was a good idea or not to combine the two and do 2 lands in one day.  Mules were definitely up to the challenge,but not so nice working in the amount of top trash (long grass/weeds) left to plow under. Soil was much nicer as you can see from the photo. Have a close look however and notice how very close the Urban Sprawl is closing in on the Farm Land.

Really good soil at a Demonstration Day in Minden

We understand that farms are made up of many different soil types. Our own runs from heavy clay, clay to sandy loam and that one can not always have "perfect" plowing conditions for a Plowing Match. We enjoy the challenge and the great folks who plow with us and who host these matches for Horses/Mules and the Tractors.

To give you an idea of really good soil for a match check out the picture here of Kim during a plow demonstration in Minden.

Well other than the one cold weekend in September it was unbelievably HOT. Not complaining mind you as come Dec/Jan/Feb we will FONDLY remember these days!

Along with the brilliance (we hope) of colourful trees this Autumn we seem to get some neat cloud formations this time of year. As we await the days to unfold we hope you get time to enjoy the last of the good weather. With 2 more plowing matches to go before Thanksgiving we will be enjoying our outdoor time as well.

As it seems early this year we will use this blog to wish everyone a 
                      VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING. 
                     May you have much to be thankful for!

                                                                  Until next time,

                                                                   Jeanne & Kim

P.S. If interested in current Real Estate Listings link: