

December - 2018

As we "dash" through the month of December on our way to the Big Day it is important to "slow" up just enough to make sure we are truly enjoying the preparations. It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and be frazzled long before the actual day arrives. I think most folks can relate to this feeling with all the extra work that seems to befall them from gift buying, to baking, to entertaining, to the actual decorating of  inside of home and out, all on top of the everyday things that need our attention - jobs, homes, kids, meals, laundry, etc...

It truly is a magical time of the year made even more so with a light amount of the white stuff on the ground. I read a sign the other day that said: 
" It doesn't matter what's under the tree - it's who's AROUND the tree that matters."

However you celebrate the holidays in your home may you have a wonderful time with family and friends. If you know of someone who may be alone this time of year - invite them over or maybe take them a tray of cookies to let them know someone is thinking of them.

Have a very
and all the best in the

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim



                and Happy Halloween to You!

Well we are well into Autumn at this point and after the first snow last Saturday night you know that winter is not far behind. We are all hoping for just a few more days of "warmer" temperatures just to finish off any outside jobs and "put away's" that still need to be done before the flurries fly for good.

I have yet to plant the garlic for next year but hope to in the next couple of days. Then get them and the strawberries covered with some straw for winter. It's amazing that you bundle them up under their fluffy beds and come next spring the strawberries welcome you with new growth and come June you hopefully get luscious, juicy berries and the garlic "bursts" through it's straw covering and grows straight and tall till the end of June and rewards you for the care with lovely heads of garlic. Mother Nature...pretty cool.

                                Hoping everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!


As Remembrance Day approaches on November 11th we pay

respect to the men and women who have laid down the greatest

sacrifice for our freedom.

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim

For Kim's Real Estate listings link:


September - 2018

Very hard to believe that we are approaching the END of September already!

With the return of kids to school and fall/winter activities beginning, the days seem to rush by. Here at the farm our Fall days of coarse are filled with real estate but we also find a bit of time to attend the odd Plowing Match. This year most matches have been "hard going."  The ground not necessarily "dry" from any lack of rain but we have found farm after farm that has hosted to be a "no till" farm and the ground has been like cement from - in some cases - years of compaction!

Plowing on Wolfe Island on VERY compacted soil
We attended the International Plowing Match in Chatham last week ( Kim's idea of a Holiday) and found the fields we were plowing in to be like concrete. After speaking to a few area farmers we were told that some in the area haven't plowed in 15 to 17 years! That makes for a lot of wheels going over the same ground for a long time - hence the compaction.

Is there a right or wrong way to grow crops - tilling VS non tilling ? - the jury is still out on that one, everyone has a different opinion and my intent is NOT to stir up controversy - all's we know is that horses/mules and man found it VERY hard going.

Always a nice trip over to Wolfe Island to plow, the ferry ride, usually the weather, etc... but this year was on the only COLD weekend of September and again the ground was like rock. Always interesting to plow at the base of the giant windmills. All opinions of such, will be left out of this blog as to NOT stir up controversy! (lol)

Plowing incredibly close to the Urban Sprawl in Durham/York
A good day was had at Durham/York plowing match but unsure of whether it was a good idea or not to combine the two and do 2 lands in one day.  Mules were definitely up to the challenge,but not so nice working in the amount of top trash (long grass/weeds) left to plow under. Soil was much nicer as you can see from the photo. Have a close look however and notice how very close the Urban Sprawl is closing in on the Farm Land.

Really good soil at a Demonstration Day in Minden

We understand that farms are made up of many different soil types. Our own runs from heavy clay, clay to sandy loam and that one can not always have "perfect" plowing conditions for a Plowing Match. We enjoy the challenge and the great folks who plow with us and who host these matches for Horses/Mules and the Tractors.

To give you an idea of really good soil for a match check out the picture here of Kim during a plow demonstration in Minden.

Well other than the one cold weekend in September it was unbelievably HOT. Not complaining mind you as come Dec/Jan/Feb we will FONDLY remember these days!

Along with the brilliance (we hope) of colourful trees this Autumn we seem to get some neat cloud formations this time of year. As we await the days to unfold we hope you get time to enjoy the last of the good weather. With 2 more plowing matches to go before Thanksgiving we will be enjoying our outdoor time as well.

As it seems early this year we will use this blog to wish everyone a 
                      VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING. 
                     May you have much to be thankful for!

                                                                  Until next time,

                                                                   Jeanne & Kim

P.S. If interested in current Real Estate Listings link:


AUGUST - 2018


They arrived with a vengeance in July and have never left! For the most part - most crops are OK but not all. Some corn (spotty) has had a hard go and a lot of different veggies either took multiple plantings to get one to take or folks just gave up. The rains came "just in time" for a lot of people.

I have to remember that back in February and March we were dreaming of summer days like we have had and we will again next January and February! 

As you can see there are lots of ways to cool off here at the farm. This is a favourite of the canine group.

You might be forgiven for thinking that the other picture is of Water Buffalo. It is actually our Black Angus cows and calves cooling off in the low hollow in the field after a much needed rain.

As the days have been rather warm to say the least the farm critters find water, shade and in most cases get to come indoors with fans to keep them cool until the sun sets and the temps dip a bit then they head back outside in the cooler evenings.

We had a good day this week to harvest our oats with our pull type combine.

 Seen here Kim got busy and got the field done in between real estate calls.

Very pleased with the yield and the field is seeded down with alfalfa for hay next year which looks very good.

 Below you will see the two foals that were born

this past winter that are now approximately 7

months old. They both traveled to Barrie,

Ontario for the ESSA Draft Horse Show.

Lila placed 3rd out of 6 and Cruze placed 5th.



Except for a wee lull near the end of July the Real Estate has stayed very active. For a peak at our 

current listings link here:

Plowing Matches begin very soon, don't miss the Hastings County Plow Match and Farm Show held near Tweed this year. Google the above for more information.

Until next time, 

Jeanne & Kim

JUNE - 2018

As the last days of June dwindle away into the first days of July our thoughts turn to 
Canada's  Birthday!
May you, family and friends have an enjoyable holiday!

The real estate for rural properties has stayed strong through spring and into early summer. Here at the farm, when we could fit it in, we have been busy baling hay with a bit more to go. With help from family members it all gets done as the real estate comes first and takes Kim on the road. 

We also had farm "clean up" days. We had a big truck and bin come in and haul away some metal that we needed cleaned up and another truck and bin for the other items. Below is the OLD Golf car that we use to use as a farm "go between" car to do chores at the other barns. It then turned into a "field" car for the grandkids to learn to drive. The poor thing had seen a lot of miles and a lot of smiles in it's day and owed no one anything. Here it is being picked up and sent off to be turned into something new!


We also attended the Haliburton Spring Fair in Minden to do a plowing seminar with fellow plowfolks. We took our new team of Black Percherons Pep and Penny to give them a whirl and they did a fabulous job for their first outing. ( I unfortunately can't get actual video to transfer so here are Pep and Penny at home practicing)


Last weekend we attended a Ride & Drive in Simcoe Ontario as a fund raiser for the NABC 9 ( The North American Belgian Championship ) being held in London Ontario in 2020. (more about that in a future blog.) There were about 10 teams of horses (we had mules there) and about 20 outriders on horse back. The rain stopped in time for the ride and we went 2 hours through some pretty scenery and saw some interesting crops. A silent auction, live auction and dinner followed. A good time was had by all.

Dolly & Loretta here and above pulling a borrowed "Chuck Wagon" for the drive. 

Below are Grant & Carol and their granddaughters who "hitched" a ride.

Also one of hundreds of cherry trees and Ginsing growing under cover.

I am hoping the videos attached themselves to this blog. I have had difficulties with this in the past. Fingers Crossed !!!

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim

Those interested in current listings can link to:



MAY - 2018














Field work has begun with a vengeance by crop, livestock, vegetable and fruit farmers alike. Yes, it is once again a late spring but with warmer temperatures forecast everyone is hopeful that things will catch up.  Whether you farm on a large scale, small scale or have a backyard garden the weather dictates to all of us "how it's gonna be," we have no control over Mother Nature!

We introduced the "Rare Black Belgians" that were here on a trial bases in the last blog  -  well...... they are now here to stay.  They have been named by our youngest grandson (who will likely be the fellow that uses them for competitive plowing) and he has named them Pepe' and Penny.....and yes they are really draft Percherons.  (when you've had Belgians all along we are bound to get a little ribbing from our Percheron friends!)

Seen above they are out enjoying green pastures and to the right they are harnessed and hooked to the plow to see how they did. They were brought along side the tractor to see if they remained quiet and focused on the job at hand. They did very well that day. They have very lovely dispositions and seem to get along with all the other horses and mules. Should be a good addition to the farm. Below you can play a VERY short video of them in action.

As the April Showers promise to

bring on the May Flowers we found

this wonderful woodland packed

full of our Provincial flower.

Hoping you have had a chance to

see some on a walk or a country

drive this spring.  Watch out for the

Black Flies and Ticks and soon to

arrive Mosquitoes!

                      Cover up and tuck in and enjoy the lovely days despite the bugs!

             Real Estate has been VERY busy this spring, if your interested in that end of                                         things click here to see current listings.

                                                      Until next time,

                                                      Jeanne & Kim


APRIL - 2018




     Have we maybe, finally, possibly, left winter behind!

Only time will really tell but if the temperatures of the last few days are any indication we can only hope. We didn't find the winter unbearable by any means but it was starting to drag on just a bit....
so we are glad of the SUNSHINE and warmth.

The Black Angus Ladies are also thankful for the lovely temperatures as of the writing of this blog 5 out of 9 have had their 2018 babies and all are doing well.


For the most part the Belgian Horses and the Mules are spending most days out on the hill and are anxiously waiting for the April Showers to turn their pastures green! We recently had a delivery to the farm of two "Rare Black Belgians." They are here on a trial bases to see if they will walk slow enough to be a plow team for the grandchildren. Will keep you posted in future blogs. See below Pepe' and Penny having a run on the hill top - checking out their new digs.

Enjoy the April Showers as they fall, warm the earth, green up the grass and fields and bring lovely May Flowers.

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim

P.S. For real estate info click here:


March 2018

from Lila and Cruze!

I really am one of those folks who does NOT like to dress up my pets (dogs) no offense to those who do mind you - but a family member showed up with these St. Patrick Day hats and well - the picture speaks for itself! I don't think Lila or Cruze minded much as they seemed more than willing to pose!

And here we are 1/2 way through March as I write. Hard to believe spring is right around the corner! All in all - weather wise - we are counting the winter of 2017/18 as "OK" as standards go, hope it was ok for one and all.

As we "march" through March be sure to enjoy a pancake breakfast with "real" maple syrup at a hosting sugar bush or hall. This Sunday the 18th you will find the Centre Hastings Fire Department at Ivanhoe hosting one such meal as well as the O'Hara Mills Homestead just outside of Madoc. In the weeks to follow you can also enjoy pancakes at the Sandy Flats Sugar Bush just outside of Warkworth along with a stroll or horse drawn wagon ride through the woods. Check all of these out on Google for more information and times! You can also purchase great syrup in most places that host a pancake breakfast either indoors or out. There are many great ones around, our favourite is the syrup from Sandy Flats Sugar Bush. Under new owner and management by Chris and Robin Clark and their 2 daughters. I heard through the grape vine that Warkworth and the Sugar Bush had a very successful weekend on the 10th and 11th.  Congratulations to all involved in making a it a great time for families and folks to come out and enjoy.

Not to be out done by the horses one of the canines in our life wanted to pose with the St. Patrick Day hats. Don't tell her she has it on backwards!

....and she was most happy when it came off !

If you drink any Green Beer this weekend - do so responsibly - and have fun! When next I write we will be in the month of April were we will hope the showers bring May Flowers but as not to get to far ahead of ourselves  -  may you enjoy EVERY DAY!

                        Will leave you with a cool and icy picture of the farm this past winter!

Until next time,  

Jeanne & Kim

For a list of our current farm properties visit:


February 2018

...and Valentines is on its way!

How do I know? It's not just by the calendar alone! It's also by the yearly clues that I find around the farm. ( See the archives at right for previous February's). This year was no exception. Now you may think some clues are a stretch, but I like to think they border more on "imagination." Some years the clues have been much clearer, but I was able to see the "heart" in all that follows:

The first two, I think are quite straight forward.

The one on the left was a precious find on the laneway while out on a walk.

On the right is a heart shape I turned back too - of melting butter in the cast iron pan when I turned away to grab the eggs.

Pretty amazing eh! 


                                        A bit of a sideways heart - but a heart all the same!

               A bit of cedar rail fungus transforms into a lacy heart shape on the coral fence!

                A heart shape in the snow after a January thaw brought on by a frosty morning!

Mother Olympia and "Lila"

Our hearts have also been captivated by two new additions on

the farm. We introduced you to "Cruze" in January's blog and

his new friend "Delilah" has arrived! A filly this time from her

Mother "Olympia" - all are doing well.

 Below are some pictures of Reign and stud foal

 Cruze on their first outing in the snow!

They are a joy to watch - they give ya that kick up your heels kinda feeling!

                     We have really only had one good sleigh ride even though it seems like there                                    
                     has been a lot of snow! After the first good accumulation the snow turned icy                              
 under foot in the fields and that makes it unsafe for the horses - so no rides!

Below is a picture of the ride we did have.

Has been great all around for snowshoeing though with the picks on the bottom. Took this picture below one day while out doing just that.

Real Estate, for those that are interested, is off to a good start for 2018. Anyone wishing to see our 

current listings can do so at:

May everyone have an enjoyable February and Happy Valentines Day! 

Have fun on Family Day on the 19th!

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim

January - 2018


Am hoping everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year! Here at the Farm we had a lovely Christmas with family and friends and enjoyed great food, fellowship and even a Christmas day sleigh ride.

As the week wore on however the flu got a hold of some and New Years Eve were left feeling a little less than festive.

All is well again (thank you) and in the midst of feeling blah we had a wonderful event in the barn. See the pictures below of our newest addition - "Cruze." He and his mom "Reign" are doing well and I hope to add to these pictures in the next week when they get to exercise outside when the temperature rises a bit!

Baby Belgian Boy - "Cruze"

Those wobbly long legs!
If you are out and about cover up fingers and ears in these brutally cold temperatures and your face as well if out for any length of time. There are all kinds of jobs and trades where folks have to work outside no matter the weather - remember to take care!

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim