

January 2019

           ....and here it is.... Welcome and Happy New Year 2019!

Here we are in a New Year! Winter officially arrived while we weren't looking on December the 21st. The days have been a yo yo of temperatures from one day to the next. Every one you met over the holidays was either suffering from a cold/flu or new someone who was. Our family was no exception. Up and down temperatures make for the opportunity to "catch" something so much easier.

Snow for a Sleigh Ride - a few years ago
Someone told me we had no real snow in the forecast until mid February! - we shall see. It makes for a very bumpy horse/mule drawn wagon ride over frozen ground with with tires on verses sleigh runners with snow cushion underneath.

Our girl Reign is expecting her second foal in mid to late January so she has been moved from the big barn to the Horse barn with a big box stall and comfy surroundings. Our other mare Olympia isn't due until May.

We are continuing work on the inside of the barn, changing our box stall fronts around, adding a couple of new doors to the outside for horse runs and doing a general clean up during the winter months while it's nice to work indoors on the colder days.

All this is second to the Real Estate which continues to keep us very busy and we are most thankful for the business. We have met so many nice folks and its a pleasure to help them with selling or buying a property. Current listings:

I don't really have any new pictures of anything horse related as I'm waiting for snow cover to get my camera out. I leave you with a photo of Reign and her last years foal Cruze.

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim