

MAY - 2019


       When you look

           at a field        
       of Dandelions,

            you can

          either see

    a hundred weeds,

       or a Thousand



As we are about to leave May and enter June

we recall Mother's Day and look forward to

Fathers Day. Hoping it was a good day for

Moms and that it will be for Dads! Here to the

right is a picture of new moms Olympia and

Reign out for a gallop in the pasture with their

babies, 2 week old Gunner & 3 month old


 As the April Showers  have continued right into and up to

the end of May we wonder what's in store for June. I know

I sing the plight of the farmer in these blogs but that's

'cause we are farmers. We are on a much smaller scale than

years gone by but as well as our own crop losses we feel

the loses of our friends and neighbours near and far that

farm on our scale or much larger, they have not yet got

much planted.  Hopefully in the next couple of weeks things

right themselves. There has however been heavy losses of

winter wheat and hay fields that got wiped out - both from

the winter ice.

So as I write these words they are calling for more rain

tomorrow and again by Sunday!

So don't put your umbrellas or rubber boots away just yet!

Hopefully by the time I do June's blog ( mid to end of month)

things will be bettter.

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim

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