

December - 2019

About 2 weeks from Christmas Day at this point. Tree is up and looking pretty, rest of decorations as well. Don't bake like I use to so not as much time goes into that - but there are still a few treats in the freezer for the week of. Our snow has come and gone, then come and gone and then come and gone! Most everyone here at the farm is hoping for enough for a horse/mule drawn sleigh ride over the holidays, we shall see!

Two new foals are expected in the New Year so maybe have some news for the January Blog on that. One more foal to follow later in the year as well.

                                   Wishing everyone a very
                                         Merry Christmas 
                                         and a wonderful 
                                              New Year!

Our girl Gracie pictured here as a foal - now all grown up and expecting her own.

                                                                Until next time,

                                                               Jeanne and Kim

              To view Kim's current real estate listings link here: