

January - 2020


                    OH - MY - GOSH - !!!

Just went to check blog status and very belatedly realized I had never done the January Blog! It was sitting in limbo waiting for me to add content! Oh well - not off to a good start then am I - Lol.  Any-hoo a VERY belated:

                      Happy New Year 2020

If you "Follow the Farm" blog on Kim's Century 21 site then you already know of our newest arrival in the first week of 2020. A cute little fellow we have named "Presley," he and his mom Gracie are both doing well. Photo below:



He's full of  spunk and attitude which should bode well for his         future endeavors!

Not too much to tell on the farm front. January has been somewhat mild, bit of sun, snow, rain and ice. No sleigh or wagon rides yet as field conditions have not cooperated. Maybe in February!  

Was out for a walk the other day on one of the very warm days and saw for the first time "Snow Fleas."  I had heard of them before but never seen them. They were out on the snow up by the woods and wetter areas and were in  groups of what looked like billions!  Apparently harmless and good for the soil. Worth the Google for info and don't eat snow, yellow or otherwise! We also encounter this fellow on the right - a spider of sorts - alive and sunning him/herself on top of the snow!

This delightful snowman was made by our granddaughter and two of her friends. ( and to be politically correct I did say snow person but was informed this one was a "snowman").  He was built right outside my kitchen window so I could enjoy his company while I did the dishes, however the dog decided that the stick arms and carrot nose stuck out just far enough to be a major temptation and within a few minutes he had snapped the sticks and pulled out the nose! Glad we had captured his photo first!)

Will leave you with a couple of more winter photo's. One of my walking companion who found a great place to rest his legs and one of the ice en capsuling the long grasses - so pretty when not in the amounts to cause damage.

                                                                Until next time,

                                                                    Jeanne & Kim

   If you are interested in Kim's current real estate listings link: