


                      That time of year again!

Half way through September as this blog entry is made. The geese have been active this past week with fly overs and some stopping in the harvested grain fields to see what morsels have been left behind and to rest their wings before setting off again.

School has begun in most areas now - different for sure from other years - our hopes are for a safe experience for all.

Here at the farm the two new additions are settling in - CeeCee and DeeDee, the little piglets we will raise throughout the winter months. Will add a photo next time.

As we go about farm chores this month our minds are always on the coming Fall & Winter and we add an hour or day here and there of a chore that gets things ready for that. Windows that are removed from barn to allow summer breezes to flow will be put back in. The outdoor grain boiler will soon be filled with grain corn to heat the house and workshop. Grain crops and hay are all accounted for - making sure there is enough to feed livestock through the winter months, as well as shavings and straw for bedding. 

My 6 chickens arrived in August and have adjusted to life on the farm very well. They love their new coop and will have outdoor access next Spring. We enjoy their lovely offerings of fresh eggs for breakfast.


The cows are  enjoying their last few weeks out on pasture before they move to higher ground and then eventually indoors with outdoor access available at all times. Seen here in photo they are following the tractor and hay bale to the feeder as the grass isn't quite as sweet as it was.

Along with the geese flying over head, we have had daily visits from a flock ( or google says: rafter ) of wild turkeys! There are 15 of them and it appears to be 2 hens and their 2 family units joined as one.
Seen below in video.

I will take time now to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING when it arrives as I probably won't post again until after the fact. 
Enjoy your time with family and friends (within the acceptable amount of people - of course)

Stay Happy, Stay Health, Stay Safe

We leave you with a photo of Patsy playing "QUEEN OF THE HILL."

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim

Real Estate has stayed unbelievable strong throughout the summer months. For Kim's current listings please link here: