

AND THERE WENT AUGUST................

                          WHERE DID AUGUST 2013 GO ????? !!!!!!!     
Very  hard indeed to believe that August 2013 is just a memory as I  write this on the last day of the said month. I have just barely lived up to my resolution to write monthly this year.
August is always a BUSY month here at the farm. Real Estate has stayed very strong throughout the summer and for that we are thankful but busy! Grain crops have been harvested and the straw baled and all stored for winters use. The garden, though slow at times through this month with the coldish start, has more than caught up with a bounty of food stuffs!
I have been pickling, freezing & canning till it feel like if  I see one more cucumber, bean or tomato I will scream! Not really, we are very blessed to be able to grow what we eat and come January when we can sit down to a hot bowl of tomato/chicken soup and homemade bread you know its all worth it.
The end of July 2013 saw us once again at the O'hara Mills Homestead and Conservation Area ( click on ) where we did a plowing demonstration in the kitchen garden with our team of Belgian horses Pete & Jake. They also did a demo on the stone puller used to clear land in days gone by.     (This is my first attempt at inserting a video so we'll see what we get here! )
 (it didn't work, will try again at later date)
The work that the O'Hara Mills Volunteers do is of the highest quality and the preservation of the site is outstanding. For more info on their schedule of events refer to the above link.
If you have never visited this Heritage Day at the end of July we invite you now to mark it on your calendar for 2014. There is so much to see and learn! A great family outing.
The HASTINGS COUNTY PLOW MATCH & FARM SHOW  has also come and gone for another year. This marked the 25th anniversary of the match held close to the site it originated on a quarter of a century ago. Kim is the horse plowing chairman ( me, his assistant) and we again had a good turn out of participants. We thank all of those who come out to plow and keep a dying art alive. We are especially proud of our 11 year old grandson for joining the plow-person ranks and taking an interest in a way of plowing from all our pasts. The Hastings Plow Match & Farm Show is another summer destination we highly recommend. For more info and the 2014 site visit the website
Well the plowing circuit has begun for the fall and Kim participates as time allows. He is seen here at last years International Plowing Match & Farm Show in western Ontario. As you can see with the technology at our finger tips today with cell phones & computers he is able to keep up with all things real estate. He really was putting a farm deal together ( while plowing) last September. BEN & BARNEY stand somewhat patiently while Kim discusses the particulars with a client.

                                                                                                                                                               As school resumes and the leaves turn colour we will enjoy the fall and crisp days to follow.
                                                                  Until next time,
                                                                   Kim & Jeanne

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