


                      GOOD BYE NOVEMBER.......................HELLO CHRISTMAS !!!

        Well there it is !!!  My intentions were good,  I almost made it,  I'll try harder next year !!!  I just about wrote in this BLOG every month like I suggested I'd do last January. The last two entries found me combining months as the days with in those months were FULL. ( Not complaining mind you ) Busy is good!

     So here we are, Halloween gone, Rememberance Day remembered. As we move through November into December we are now into Santa Claus Parades. We have 8 to do this year and so far have done them in sunshine and mild temperatures, freezing ( and I mean FREEEEZING ) temperatures and a cold damp drizzle. We dress appropriately, and always enjoy the day and the people. This year there has already been quite a bit of Christmas SPIRIT with everyone shouting a Merry Christmas Greeting along the parade routes. Belgians, Pete & Jake usually represent us and Century 21 at these functions and they look forward to it as much as we do. ( see photos below )

Our Century 21 float waiting for parade to begin
A Pete & Jake close up

I am also adding a few "forgotten" photos from previous blogs.  I eluded to a video of Pete & Jake pulling the "STONE/ROCK puller" at O'Hara Mills this past summer, ( see July 2013 blog) which I never could get converted over to this space. Also there are a couple of pictures of mules Tony & Fred pulling a log arch last February ( see Feb. 2013 blog).

Kim, Pete & Jake plowing kitchen garden at O'Hara Mill
Pete & Jake ready to move massive stone at O'Hara Mill

Kim, Tony & Fred accessing log to be hauled
Hook up

Moving log

We will take this opportunity to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas & all the best for the New Year 2014!for t

If your ever interested in Kims real estate page, listings and other blog then link:

We leave you with a couple of farm pictures below of a Christmas nature. Enjoy family & friends!

Till next time,

Jeanne & Kim





                               HORSES, PLOWS, PEOPLE & PLANES

September 2013 draws to a close. The last several days have been MARVELOUS !! Warm days cool-ish nights, some very cool nights and star filled skies.

Corn & soybeans will all be coming off  soon. Gardens are closing down after another season. I think most would say it was a productive summer crop & garden wise.

Daughter( her niece) & our granddaughter watching the garden grow

Plowing matches are also coming to an end for the season. Peterborough and Frontenac have just past and Northumberland County is just ahead. The International Plowing Match is now just a memory. A great time, great weather ( for the first 4 days) & great fellowship.

Both Kim & our grandson had a very respectable showing. Kim was first over all and grandson was 3rd over all.

A bonus part of the experience was the Canadian Snowbirds air show which took place right over our heads. (see pictures)

We stayed at a wonderful B&B in Fullarton ON ( it is close to both Mitchell ( a quaint little town) and to Stratford ( theatre & all). Cathy and Bob Hutson do a wonderful job of making you feel welcome and their home and surrounding gardens are beautiful. A special thank you goes out to Glen our  `` horse host `` & the committee that looked after the plowers. The accommodations for the  horses was top rate.

Except for the Friday which was rained out in the competitive plow field we had perfect weather. A great turn out of plowers from across Ontario & a return visit from Mule Mike from Ohio USA. Mike along with his 3 mules are quite an attraction at the match. Many folks come to the field to see a preserved way of tending the land be it the walking plow or sulky ( riding) plow. ( see photos)

Mule Mike with his trio

Front view of Mike's mules at work

Conor Green of Cobourg and his team of
black Percherons Finn & Ace

New comer to the plow field is Jon Curran from the Roseneath
area and his team of Belgians Duke & Dixie

An IPM plow Judge at work

Our 11 year old grandson with his team of  24 year old Belgians
Tom & Jerry

Display at the IPM of current properties for sale by Kim
With this audience & at other local matches we always take our display board of current listings for great exposure for anyone looking for a farm or rural property. ( see photo) Real Estate continues to be very busy & it is a joy to be able to help someone find that perfect farm, home, acreage.

Until next time,

Kim & Jeanne


AND THERE WENT AUGUST................

                          WHERE DID AUGUST 2013 GO ????? !!!!!!!     
Very  hard indeed to believe that August 2013 is just a memory as I  write this on the last day of the said month. I have just barely lived up to my resolution to write monthly this year.
August is always a BUSY month here at the farm. Real Estate has stayed very strong throughout the summer and for that we are thankful but busy! Grain crops have been harvested and the straw baled and all stored for winters use. The garden, though slow at times through this month with the coldish start, has more than caught up with a bounty of food stuffs!
I have been pickling, freezing & canning till it feel like if  I see one more cucumber, bean or tomato I will scream! Not really, we are very blessed to be able to grow what we eat and come January when we can sit down to a hot bowl of tomato/chicken soup and homemade bread you know its all worth it.
The end of July 2013 saw us once again at the O'hara Mills Homestead and Conservation Area ( click on ) where we did a plowing demonstration in the kitchen garden with our team of Belgian horses Pete & Jake. They also did a demo on the stone puller used to clear land in days gone by.     (This is my first attempt at inserting a video so we'll see what we get here! )
 (it didn't work, will try again at later date)
The work that the O'Hara Mills Volunteers do is of the highest quality and the preservation of the site is outstanding. For more info on their schedule of events refer to the above link.
If you have never visited this Heritage Day at the end of July we invite you now to mark it on your calendar for 2014. There is so much to see and learn! A great family outing.
The HASTINGS COUNTY PLOW MATCH & FARM SHOW  has also come and gone for another year. This marked the 25th anniversary of the match held close to the site it originated on a quarter of a century ago. Kim is the horse plowing chairman ( me, his assistant) and we again had a good turn out of participants. We thank all of those who come out to plow and keep a dying art alive. We are especially proud of our 11 year old grandson for joining the plow-person ranks and taking an interest in a way of plowing from all our pasts. The Hastings Plow Match & Farm Show is another summer destination we highly recommend. For more info and the 2014 site visit the website
Well the plowing circuit has begun for the fall and Kim participates as time allows. He is seen here at last years International Plowing Match & Farm Show in western Ontario. As you can see with the technology at our finger tips today with cell phones & computers he is able to keep up with all things real estate. He really was putting a farm deal together ( while plowing) last September. BEN & BARNEY stand somewhat patiently while Kim discusses the particulars with a client.

                                                                                                                                                               As school resumes and the leaves turn colour we will enjoy the fall and crisp days to follow.
                                                                  Until next time,
                                                                   Kim & Jeanne


JULY --- HOT ! HOT ! HOT ! ( so far )

It is mid-July as I write this blog entry and the  DOG DAYS  of summer have come early. But alas we were looking for haying weather and now we sure have some.

A team of 8 coming back from a field trial
A couple of weeks ago we ventured down to Arcola, Illinois, U.S.A. for the 20th Annual Horse Progress Days. If you have never been there and are a "Horse Farmer" or just love the big beasts we highly recommend it. It is held over a 2 day period, hosted by the Amish in 7 different north eastern states on a yearly rotation. It runs from approx. 8am to 5pm on day one and 8am to 4pm on day two. It seems to always be the first Friday / Saturday of July.

The 2 days are made up of  field trials of every newly conceivable piece of horse drawn equipment that can be used on the farm or garden. Loads of dealers, manufacturers, and booths to answer your questions. They also run many informative seminars as well.

A student from 2012
Once again Kim and Ferman Wengerd ( of Pioneer Equipment)  taught a class on driving draft horses. They had 7 students this year 2 men and 5 ladies. They were a diverse group with 4 students being over 50. Everyone had the same basic incentive, to use draft horse power on their farms for crop production, gardening (big or small), working in the woods, or just for general transportation.

Horse Progress Days will be held in Mount Hope, Ohio in 2014 for more

That's the update for now. Will post again soon but best "GO MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES!!!

                                         Till next time,

                                          Kim & Jeanne




                              Global warming? Changing seasons? Whacky Weather!

Hard to believe that June 2013 has been as cool (cold) and wet as it has. Throw in a couple of HOT DAYS and the household cooling/heating system has no idea if it should be COOLING or HEATING!

Most fields of corn got planted in the area. Some where a little lime green for a while but will come out of that. Soybeans will now be a little behind in planting due to soggy fields. Winter wheat looks fantastic and spring grains should be okay.

" Make Hay While The Sun Shines!" Well we are all waiting for the sun to shine! We are more than a little behind in that category.

June Daisies
The only excitement around the farm this past month was the escapee's!  8 Belgian geldings that took advantage of a knocked down gate and then went A-WALL over 200 acres.  FREEDOM !!!   I truly wished I'd had a picture of manes flying. After an exhilarating run they seemed relieved to be herded back into their original pasture.

The meat chickens ( capons) have been raised and put in the freezer for summer and autumn meals. Strawberries are loaded with blossoms and hopefully it will turn warm enough to ripen fruit. Garden continues to flourish, some things progress rapidly liking the cool weather and others things are awaiting hot temperatures.

Regardless of what the day looks like, remember  "It's always sunny above the cloud cover"

Enjoy your day!

Have added a couple of recent farm photos.

Until next time,    Kim & Jeanne

Wally coming for grain

Mister enjoying his grain




MAY ! The grass always looks greener.....................

       It is technically still May (25th) so I thought I'd better hurry and get the BLOG done.                  

                          May always seems like and extraordinarily busy month to me.

The farm animals are all clamouring to GET OUTSIDE AND STAY OUTSIDE after a winter of cold, snow and rain where they go in and out. So that means fences need mending. We always realize this after 1 or 2 escapes! (YOU KNOW THE GRASS ALWAYS LOOKS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE!) Water troughs must be fixed if necessary - then filled. If we haven't hauled all of winters manure then that goes on the list too.

Fields need cultivated then planted. This should seem easy now-a-days after tending 800 acres for close to 30 years. We now do a mere 90, but alas there never seems to be enough time.

Once the crop goes in we focus on the vegetable garden. This is our main food source along with the beef, pork, chicken and eggs that we raise and keeps us fed for the coming 4 seasons, so we best get it right and we pray Mother Nature is on our side for all of the above.

Tom & Jerry cultivating new ground.
We have been working up a new section this spring for our sweet corn, squash and potatoes. Tom and Jerry at 23 years of age, like to get out for an hours work then head back to their pasture. Other than some light competitive plowing with our soon to be 11 year old grandson, these two wonderful ole' fellows are pretty well retired.

Almost done.
Done & ready for home!

So between secretarial duties, grass cutting, flower planting, garden tending, laundry & kitchen duties (ME) and Real Estate, farm chores and crop work (KIM) we will soon see the renewed earth of spring turn to the growing month of June, where a whole NEW set of farm and garden related subjects takes hold!

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM   Smell the sweet smell of HAY!

and the delicious taste of STRAWBERRIES!

                                                                           Till next time,

                                                                            Kim and Jeanne

Original ole` buggy shed on property







Even thought the days seem longer with the extra daylight, there sure hasn't been warmer temperatures! Our Granddaughter however has thoroughly enjoyed her new umbrella she got for her birthday.

 This time of the year brings all
things "NEW"!  We have had a
 NEW baby calf and everyone
always looks forward to the
arrival of the NEW baby
Since last I blogged we have been busy with farm, real estate and school. I have returned to school to take some computer courses to assist Kim with his Real Estate, so the college is trying to teach (me) an  "Ole Dog New Tricks"!
Before the snow left we took mules Tony & Fred to the field to try out the "Log Arch". They did a real fine job.
We have been to Western Ontario to pick up a supply of Pioneer horse drawn equipment ( FORECARTS & EVENERS )  so anyone looking for these items give us a call. We also have a good supply of Stayner Mineral ( puts the best hoof on a horse) CALL:613-969-1345.
Just when everyone was beginning to think gardens, the ice storm caught everyone by surprise!  It seems to have been hit and miss, but province wide.  The raspberry canes are trimmed out & ready and I will start planting up greenhouse this weekend. The spinach, kale and lettuce is re-growing from last fall and is very tasty.  It has been a little to cool to uncover strawberries and garlic but with the most current forecast it sounds like sunny and warmer temperatures on the way. FINALLY !
     I would like to take this time to thank all our loyal customers that have supported the
FARM MEAT SHOPPE for the past 10 years.  You all know the reasons we chose to close and your well wishes and support means a lot to us. Kim's venture into Real Estate has been very good and he now needs an office manager which is where I come in.
With that said, the fact that we closed our doors left people wondering where to get the same quality of good, healthy, homegrown products. I have directed you where I could & hope you have all been successful in sourcing out other venues.
We also wondered if you would all take a moment to think about the GMO (Genetically Modified
Organisms) Alfalfa that the large profitable corporations are pushing on farmers everywhere. We strongly suggest that you GOOGLE: STRATTON FARM STIRLING ONTARIO for an insightful read on this subject. AND YES, BE CONCERNED, IT EFFECTS US ALL & FUTURE GENERATIONS!  ( you may have to access Stratton Farm's archives on the side of their latest blog to retrieve article.) If you don't grow your own VEGGIES,  then when you are on Michael and Sally's
(Stratton Farm Blog) then you may be interested in their  CSA  (Community Shared Agriculture)
Vegetable Packages!
Well as the end of April rolls around as well as TAX TIME, we wish you all well and will report (as resolutioned back in January) again in May.
                                                                                        Till then,
                                                                                                       Kim and Jeanne
P.S. I had much trouble loading more pictures so
if it will let me I will add them at a later date. 


MARCH !!! " LAMB or LION "

                    We are asking the age old question :    

                      DID MARCH COME IN LIKE  A    

                    LAMB                     OR                            LION

     ( If anyone knew how hard I just worked on drawing and fetching the above two critters you might be tempted to give a standing ovation!!  Whew!  What a mental work out.)

       ANYWAY lets address the question ?  Did it come in like lion or lamb?

I would really have to say its all relative to the actual time frame. As February ROARED out of 2013  in GRAND  winter style  as the photos below will atest to,  I guess March 1st itself  was rather CALM.



6:30 A.M. FEBRUARY 28TH                      "PEACEFUL"



Tired after early morning play!



                         'TIL NEXT TIME...