We are back from Harrisburg Pennsylvania and grateful for a safe trip to and fro. We left "early" Monday morning to attend the Pennsylvania Draft Horse Sale held at the top notch facility known as The Penn. Farm Show Bldg. We had sold our Belgian mares a couple of years back but held onto STONEY LAKE EXTREME. A great looking 2yr. old colt at the time. As he wasn`t breeding age yet we kept him home to "grow up" into the handsome fellow he has become.
We consigned him last September and started the paperwork in December, obtaining the coggins and vet certificates needed to cross the border and all the documentation the Americans require to bring an animal into their country.
We arrived in Harrisburg about 4pm and were WOWED. The Farm Show Bldg. is a first rate venue for selling, buying, or just enjoying horses. The facilities and the air quality indoors [very important for man and beast] in this building were fabulous.
Breakfast before sale time. |
After unloading horse and all our "stuff" we led Extreme to the big ring to have a run and work out any kinks from his 8 hr. trip.
Tuesday found us caring to Extreme`s needs all day, visiting with friends and aquaintenances old and new and enjoying the Mare Sale in the P.M.
Wednesday a.m. was an early rise as the Stallion Sale started at 9:00a.m. and Extreme had to be primped and ready to go. Hair done,hoofs blackened, tail bunned and bows attached. Boy he looked GREAT ! Off he went to the sale ring where he did us proud.
As far as we know at this time he topped the sale. He has gone to live the good life with the ladies in the state of Georgia.
Heading to the Ring |
Sale is on !!! |
SOLD ! Georgia bound. |