

As the heat of May swings into June the first days of June seem more like what the first days of May should have been. Yes, the weather is CRAZY !!

If you are a farmer in any sense of the word be it a cash cropper, livestock, market gardener, etc... we are all looking for rain !  Update: Since I wrote this we have received a couple of inches of much needed rain.

Back to my muliple " B " title.

BUTTERCUPS:  Had the pups out for a walk the other afternoon and coudn't resist this photo-op.

BELLA & BLUE: As promised last blog I will now introduce you to 2 new arrivals at the farm. A team of MULES. 1 and a 1/2 year old BELLA and her 6 month old brother BLUE. They have settled in nicely and hopefully down the road will be a good plow team.

BABIES:  The other arrivals are 2 litters of baby Berkshire Heritage Piglets. Mom Ida had 9 and Mom Lee had 11. Everyone is doing very well and those babies are soooo cute!

The garden and crops continue to grow, some liking the cool weather, some wishing for the return of warmer temps.

Until next time - ENJOY YOUR DAY !