It is mid-July as I write this blog entry and the DOG DAYS of summer have come early. But alas we were looking for haying weather and now we sure have some.
A team of 8 coming back from a field trial |
A couple of weeks ago we ventured down to Arcola, Illinois, U.S.A. for the 20th Annual Horse Progress Days. If you have never been there and are a "Horse Farmer" or just love the big beasts we highly recommend it. It is held over a 2 day period, hosted by the Amish in 7 different north eastern states on a yearly rotation. It runs from approx. 8am to 5pm on day one and 8am to 4pm on day two. It seems to always be the first Friday / Saturday of July.
The 2 days are made up of field trials of every newly conceivable piece of horse drawn equipment that can be used on the farm or garden. Loads of dealers, manufacturers, and booths to answer your questions. They also run many informative seminars as well.
A student from 2012 |
Once again Kim and Ferman Wengerd ( of Pioneer Equipment) taught a class on driving draft horses. They had 7 students this year 2 men and 5 ladies. They were a diverse group with 4 students being over 50. Everyone had the same basic incentive, to use draft horse power on their farms for crop production, gardening (big or small), working in the woods, or just for general transportation.
Horse Progress Days will be held in Mount Hope, Ohio in 2014 for more info:www.
That's the update for now. Will post again soon but best "GO MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES!!!
Till next time,
Kim & Jeanne