and here it is!
A great year for hay if you could find enough dry days in a row to bale! |
As I write and play catch up on what has been happening this summer around the farm I can't not mention the weather. Like it or loath it the days were fine for some and not hot enough for others. Late planted crops may never have the chance to mature do to lack of heat units. We will always be farmers and the weather will always be of concern to us and the crops we grow for our livestock and vegetables for ourselves.
Class of 2014 |
Learning to drive |
Husband & Wife team from Texas where a delight to meet as well as all the other students.
Our fruit trees are in their 3rd year of growth. The McIntosh did very well and we nic-named it the Century 21 tree as it had 21 apples on it. They have since been picked, eaten in hand and enough to make a pie!
the beautiful ready to eat apple below. Now if I can just get the pear, peach and Empire apple tree to produce as well. Oh well, will try again next year. We were thankful for the ones we did get!
Pictured is the easel board we take to all plowing matches promoting Kim's current listings. He may go to the weekend matches but he's only a phone call away! |
Will leave you with a few pictures taken at the farm over the last few days. So long for now and here's hoping for a long fall.
Till next time, Jeanne & Kim
Diago the Milking Cow
Three of the 7 calves born this spring. 6 were bulls!
Early morning sky.
Foggy morning.