Hard to believe that Christmas is now less than 2 weeks
away at the time of this Blog entry!
By now most folks have a tree up and I would imagine have a pretty good handle on their holiday shopping. Menu's will have been planned for Christmas dinner and in some households if baking hasn't already been done then it's underway. Great looking decorations are everywhere and the sparkle of Christmas lights shine in the evenings from peoples homes.
Our daughter made this lovely seasonal/winter display for our entry way and she designed it so that it would be enjoyable both coming and going. A big thank you of appreciation to her!
An arrangement like this brings many layers
With all the hustle & bustle of the holidays may we take a moment and reflect on the reason for the season. To remember our own individual memories and celebrations of past years and to look forward to many more to come. To spread kindness, joy and love to our fellow beings.
As we lay our heads down on the 24th with visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads may we awaken to a world full of lasting peace.
To family, friends, acquaintances and all who read this Blog we wish you all the best for a WONDERFUL and VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Until next year,
Jeanne & Kim