New Years is a time for the customary resolutions that some how seem so right when you make them with finesse and determination but wan after just a few months, sometimes just a few days! We say out loud the traditional ones, " I will eat less bad/fattening foods, more fruits & vegetables, I will exercise more, etc..." This year along with those I choose to be more Joy Filled and to remember to count our blessings daily and to be very grateful. Whatever your own resolutions I hope we can all make them stick past today!
Wonderful hockey game between Canada and USA. On the edge of our seats as it looked like the US might come back and win. Good work Canada!
The winter weather has been uneventful thus far. Kim likes the fact that there is no snow that requires him to move and clear lanes etc...(he uses a skid steer!) I can't say shovel because that job seems to befall me. I do all the patios and walkways at house and barn. I know that the open weather was great for Holiday travel but I can't help but think of all the school age kids that would love to be out doors tobogganing, skiing, snowboarding, skating, snowshoeing, snowmobiling etc.... Hopefully we get a little of the white stuff this month or in February.
Not to much to report from the farm at present, pigs have gone to market as well as one of the beef cows, meat chickens also. Laying hens give just enough to keep a fresh egg on the table for each of us every few days. Have had Juno & Jag hooked a few times in December but then ground got to mucky. Took grandkids to Glanmore House in Belleville 2 days before Christmas. If you have never been it is a destination to look forward to, check out
The lovely name sign at the right was a gift from 2 of our grandkids and their mother ( who made it ) from old barn board, You can change the adoration on top to coincide with the seasons. Thanks you guys!
As we hunker down for a few more months of winter weather may you find and enjoy the seed catalogues that are arriving in the mail and thoughts of warmer & longer days ahead ( way ahead ) If you go south to get a reprieve may your travels be safe and if my resolutions hold I will once again attempt to write in this blog space once a month.
Until next time,
Jeanne & Kim