

            SPRING HAS SPRUNG!!!
                 ( or so we thought!)

Blissfully warm days had arrived in the 3rd week of April only to be pushed aside in the 4th week with the return of COLDER temperatures and even some _ _ _ _ !  ( that " S " word that we thought we'd seen the last of! )

Regardless of the bit of flurries in the air the spring work here on the farm is under way. First thing is to clean out pens that have been accumulating over the winter. This year every " body " had lots of extra straw to keep them insulated and extra warm through out the cold snap. Manure is now piled and awaits firmer ground before spreading can begin. 

Newly planted greenhouse bed.
The greenhouse has been revamped into more of a garden shed with the removal of one bed. We now have a solid steel roof instead of the clear panels. After 2 winters of broken panels due to snow load (and yes we did pull it down, that was the problem, the roof rake cracked the panels) we have opted for the time saving solid roof. So plan B calls for one indoor bed for early veggies, lettuce, peas, spinach, swiss chard and radishes (which are up). I will put tables closer to the front windows with potting trays to start veggies for the garden. This may happen next year as I am still cleaning out the other upright bed. Oh Well! Will post pictures of veggie growth in May if it happens.


The last of the cool weather means ya better hurry up and clean out the raspberry canes from last year. I know some folk who do this in the summer after the berries are done but I hate disturbing the green leaf growth by yanking out the finished canes. By the spring I can easily determine the ones I am suppose to remove with their dead wood on them. So that job has been finished and some aged manure applied.

 Mom Olympia & Grace just minutes after her arrival.

Another sure sign of spring is the arrival of NEW life here on the farm. As enjoyable as new flowers, leaves, grass and crops are the ultimate is the new BABBIES that arrive. We welcomed a new little filly foal this spring and her name is Grace. These are the pictures of her just after birth and the next day or so. I will add some in next blog of her on the move out on pasture.

Up and at em

Grace already leads well, walking along side thanks to our daughter spending the time to teach her. She is a very friendly filly and loves attention. Next to arrive on the farm will be the baby Black Angus calves due at the end of May.  Also we will get delivery of 2 little piglets in May. 

So while the grip of winter wains and spring bursts forward we can all enjoy the warmer days, the scent of lilacs, the evening song of the frogs from the marsh.  Try not to  dwell on cutting grass when it starts to grow or swatting black flies!

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim

Special shout out to JG. I'm thinking of you!