Kim recently SOLD 3 different farms to new folks to the area. Two of them are growing ORGANIC produce for locally picked up - CSA either in town or on the farm. Check out their amazing websites at: www.hollyrayfarms.com located on Sills Rd. Stirling and www.knuckledownfarm.ca located on Anderson Island Rd. Stirling. The third farmer will be selling at roadside and will have flowers as well as vegetables and are located on the Foxboro/Frankford Road just west of Hwy 62.
Another already established CSA is Stratton Farm and worth looking up www.strattonsfarm.ca where they have done an amazing job on their farm and raise veggies, eggs, pork, chickens, turkeys and goats. They are located on Maple Rd, Stirling.
We are a very blessed area to have these and others to raise quality vegetables, fruits, meats etc... for folks and their families and friends. And with the amount of people in the bigger city of Belleville and the out-lying areas there is more than enough customers for everyone.
May everyone share their knowledge and lend a helping hand whether it's farmer to farmer or you - the customer, CSA stands for: Community Shared Agriculture whether you are a customer or a pier group farmer.
Remember the ole' 4H Moto:
Wishing you all an amazing growing season and from one farmer to another may you have enough rain and sunshine!
Well, May seems to be 3/4 over! Did we have spring? It seemed to be either unbelievable hot, more like July/August weather or it was reminiscent of March with very cool days, COLD nights and wind.
My Grandmother repeatedly told me "Never plant your garden dear until after the date of May 24th" not the long weekend mind you, the actual date of May 24th. Grandma was right! I puchased plants early, put some in the garden the other day ( not my tender tomatoes & peppers - they are in the greenhouse ) but I tried basil out and wrapped it well for the night as well as broccoli and cabbage. Well the basil bit the dust and we are keeping fingers crossed for the survival of the others. I lost 4 tender flowers in the planters but the others made it through the night under a sheet. We apparently have one more night of cold as I write this and then we should be good to go! I've heard of others who lost a great deal more.
Here on the farm the spring grain has gone in and been underseeded with future hay crop and the non-GMO corn went in yesterday. The dry conditions have been great for small & large scale farming to get crops planted but we sure could use some warm rain.
Calves have been arriving this past week and we got delivery of two little black piglets. New laying hens have been introduced to the older girls and everyone is getting along fine. (Pictures in June)
Kim has had a trip to Texas to bring home a new pair of Mules to plow with. Names and pictures in June as well.
These two pictures are of Calvin the stallion enjoying the outdoors.

Remember a dandelion is just a pretty little yellow flower with great food and medicinal purpose, they are only here for such a short time, learn to love them!
Until next time,
Jeanne & Kim