Well here it is the end of June 2015. Was beginning to wonder if I'd find the time to do this months blog but this rainy Sunday afternoon has allowed a slower pace on the farm today so I will do catch up.
The strawberries this year, I have heard, are hit and miss. Unfortunately some folks patches got hit with that late frost in May. Ours did, even though we covered the plants the first blossoms all turned black in the centre. It took me a while but I picked all them off and a new flush of blossoms emerged and went on to flourish into some of the best berries we have ever grown or eaten. I am well aware our patch is of minuscule size compared to a commercial grower and that they wouldn't be able to hand pick the bad blossoms as I did. Last year my strawberries were not as good but the raspberries were amazing, this year so far they don't look as good, and all my blossoms on my apple trees were frosted off, so alas, no apples this year. If you really think about it, our food source could be wiped out very easy in any given circumstance mother nature being one of them. A great deal of respect should be awarded to the folks that grow our food and take the "chances."
With that said we have enjoyed a few bowls of fresh berries, there are a few jars of jam in the freezer and once a year I make a large bowl of Strawberry Tiffle to share with family and friends which we did the other night! Now if those raspberries would just perk up!!!

Young Gracie is seen here on the left sand-wiched between her Mom Olympia and her Aunt Poppy in front. She loves being on pasture and meeting all the other horses and mules on the farm. We think by the photo on the right that she may have been hanging around the mules a little more than she should as her ears look to be a little to long for her head!?? Regardless, all are doing well and loving the cooler weather!
You gotta look very close at this photo to find the subject, no, not the door handle. I was putting a chair back and this little fellow hopped of the back of the chair and clung to the door, I think he's a tree frog but I haven't researched it yet.

He was such a pretty colour of green, but it lost something in the close - up!
Here we have Kim out working the new team of mules Dan and Barney. They hail from Texas and have been here on the farm since May. We thought they might be ready to plow this year but seems they may take a bit more slowing down to walk the snails pace you need for competitive plowing.
Kim, Dan and Barney |
I didn't write at the beginning of the month and wish all the Dad's and Dad figures a Wonderful Fathers Day so I do so now. The dads around the farm ( grandpa, son-in-law and son) all had a good day. Happy Fathers Day to Great Grandpa "PA"
I also hope all the mothers enjoyed a great day in May. One of our grandsons made this cool sign out of "Lego" for his Mom.
I thought it picture worthy!
I told him not to worry about the backwards letters P as that was artistic license, he told me they were that way to hold themselves up!
Until next time,
Jeanne & Kim