
December - 2015 Merry Christmas


Well we are back up and going. Newer technology at my finger tips! 

              First and foremost we would like to wish everyone a 

                   Very Merry Christmas 

                                and a

           Happy, Healthy and Prosperous

                             New Year!

Here at the farm as every where else we enjoyed one of the longest Fall's on record! 
The days have been spectacular and with soybeans done and corn coming off the 
yields have been great for most farmers. We do just a bit of non GMO corn to feed to
our own animals and hope to have it harvested by Christmas.

Jag & Juno
We downsized this year in Santa
 Claus Parade appearances due
 to time restrictions but thoroughly
 enjoyed the ones we had time to
 participate in. Belleville and
 Stirling nighttime parades saw
 Belgian horse team Juno & Jag
 pulling our wagon and Foxboro,
 Frankford and Tweed saw the mule
 plow team of Dolly & Loretta ! 

Juno and Jag patiently waiting their turn at Belleville on the left and strutting over the bridge in Stirling on the right. Lovely warm weather for both outings and lots of people!

Dolly & Loretta preparing to join the que at the Foxboro Parade
As the days have been so lovely it should not have seemed so bizarre to see the sight of this butterfly/moth on a dog walk but considering that it was the very last week of November 
when I snapped this photo it really was unbelievable. There were so many flying about
it seemed like something I witnessed in August! I will have to research were they GO?
 to spend their winters as it seemed they should already have been heading that way!

We have found that the Real Estate has stayed strong throughout this great fall and leading up until Christmas! A big thank you to all clients, past, present and future also the readers of this blog all the best for a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season with family and friends. Wishing everyone a super 2016!

We leave you with the picture used for the December 2016 page of our Real Estate Calendar.


Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim