Well we just might have turned the corner! It suddenly feels like Spring! Went for a walk with my canine buddy today and the birds were singing and flying about happy as can be. The Robins sweet melody was floating on the breeze as was the beautiful whistle of the Red Wing Black Bird. The Killdeers were running here and there throughout the pasture field no doubt looking for a good place to lay their future eggs.
Hopefully this weekend we will remove the bales of straw away from the foundation of the house that we put there for extra insulation for the winter. It really helps keep old farmhouses warm.
The patio furniture may make an appearance but won't be used yet as there is so much to do. Think I might put some radishes in the greenhouse and lettuce too. Maybe a good idea to uncover the garlic in the outdoor raised bed as well.
The long range looks great and even though the winter wasn't tough by Canadian standards it did seem to feel a wee bit long as the snow fell in April!
Hopefully we will have some pictures of the new calves for the May entry. All the Mom's look ready but the calendar delivery date says mid May.
The months of March & April have been very busy for Real Estate. Anyone interested in checking out Kim's website of current listings click on www.century21.ca/kim.hadwen
We recently had a booth at the Quinte Farm Show and had a good day connecting with fellow farmers and rural folks.
As the grandkids hockey sticks get traded in for soccer balls and floor hockey and we throw in the odd baseball game at home - may everyone that's able - find some time to enjoy the outdoors.
Until next time,
Jeanne & Kim