Here we are! Valentines 2017.
Once again in the months, then weeks, then days leading up to Valentines Day - I try to be attentive
to the magical practice of looking for HEART clues that are all around us. I figure these are present
all year long and I truly forget to take notice - but when you do it's amazing how many you can spot.

If you have checked this blog out in the past you will notice in
the FEBRUARY's of previous years we have collected quite a
few signs over a period of time. This year was no exception.
While out on a walk with my canine friend I couldn't help but
notice this amazing dried weed (uncultivated flower) that was
bravely standing through a new fallen snow - it's seed pods
stretched out like a little tree full of hearts.
This HEART find was a nifty accident. While
trying to maintain "unbroken yolks" I turned
back to the pan after disposing of shells to find
this heart shaped egg reminder of the special day.
I suppose one could say it also looks like Mickey Mouse ears but I prefer to see the heart shape!
The last HEART shape reminder that I was lucky enough to uncover this year was not so much an accidental find as it was a planned sign of love from cherished family members. Two of the grandkids set me up with a wonderful picture of HEART HANDS! Thanks, guys!
As we await the first signs of Spring to follow in a few weeks take time through out February to chase away the BLAHS with some Valentine Fun, Family Day Fun - and some outdoor winter activity to boost the mood.
Until next time, We leave you with recent photos of Mom "Olympia"
and her daughter "Ruby" - having fun in the snow!
Jeanne & Kim
As always you can link from here to view Kim's current farm, land and rural listings. Once there click on "My Listings" at top of page. Thanksyou.