ANY GUESSES on the above BIRD?
This not so little birdie ( approximately 12" high ) was found with a sibling on the July 1st Holiday. They came scooting out from under the cover of an uncut hay field - quite a ways from the marsh were they should have been located. With Turkey Vultures and Ravens circling over head we put a call into the Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre in Napanee. With welding gloves on (we referred to these guys as Pterodactyls - nothing too sweet about them - they come at you with wings spread, screeching and hissing like a rattlesnake) we got the 2 babies into a box and drove them to Sandy Pines. WOW what a place Sandy Pines is. With staff and volunteers they look after and rehabilitate an amazing amount of wildlife which get released back into the wild after their convalescence. We had originally thought this pair might have been baby Herons or in that family as their legs were so long - turns out they are American Bitterns. After a little more than 3 weeks with Sandy Pines they were ready to be released. We brought them back and let them free over by the marsh were we can only hope they have set up home! Thank you Sandy Pines - check out their website/facebook page. Great place to support with a donation. See release video below.
Always need to talk about the weather (Canadian & farmer thing ya know). After a very hot and dry July we have settled into a rather nice mix of sun /rain for August - (so far). The mornings have been quite cool and by mid afternoon you hear the Cicadas (Locusts) in the trees humming!
O'Hara Mills have had both their Heritage Day and their Draft Horse Day back in Madoc. If you haven't been back there check out their website: for future events.
Seen here a couple of horse powered antique pieces of equipment that were
demonstrated back at O'Hara Mill.
To the left is a Tread Mill that one or two horses would make go around to
thrash grain, turning the belt as to run the thresher.
Seen here to the right is a field rock remover. Dolly and
Lortetta have demo'd this a few times and it always amazes
me how well this works and to think how ingenous in was for
the times. (and so much hard work).
Kim with Dolly on the far right and Loretta closer to the front
of picture.
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The mill running (amazing) |
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O'Hara's Mill in operation |
So I reported on Kim's Century 21 Blog ( link: ) about our corn we grew in our raised beds and we wondered if it would ever grow and mature in this small spot. Well other than one wind storm that went through and I had to go stand it all back up and brace each plant with dirt - we got them through to the end. And what a sweet end it is - nothing says August like a Sweet Corn, Butter and a little Salt!
Until next time,
Jeanne & Kim