This bale tower was put up last Thursday March 12th at 6:00 p.m. to encourage the team as they headed into the finals for the ALL ONTARIO CHAMPIONSHIP.
By 8:00 p.m. word had come out that the OMHA had followed suit behind the NHL, AHL and OHL to suspend the hockey season.
I would think these decisions were not made lightly and are in the best interest of all.
Hopefully at some point in the future things can maybe be resumed.
Always remember Stirling Midget Blues and coaching staff, how proud everyone is of your whole season of success and most certainly your exciting finish to clinch the Semi-final series!
Would like to bring your attention to a nice family of folks we met when we delivered one of our Angus bulls to their farm. Dan & Lori Sprigings now run the SPRIGGLEN MEAT MARKET in Wellington (Aman's Abbattoir for over 55 years) see their introduction and meet them below.

We are very excited to announce that we have taken over the running of Aman's Abattior. Ted and his family have been operating Aman's for over 55 years. We are extremely honored to be given this opportunity.
Ted will be continuing to work at the Butcher Shop, cutting meat.
We look forward to continuing to provide the excellent service and quality you are accustomed to from Aman's. We are excited to continue on the great relationships Ted has with his clients and build new ones.
Dan & Lori Sprigings 284 A Wellington Main, Wellington, ON K0K 3L0
PHONE: 613 - 399 - 2173
We carry: Locally sourced Beef, Chicken, Pork & Lamb. All meat processed on site. Aman's has been in business for over 55 years. We make Sausages, Pepperettes, Jerky and have an on site Smoke House as well. Please call or google for hours of operation. Thank you!
Well March came in somewhat like a Lamb so does that mean what I think it means! The days that have followed throughout the month so far have been very nice for the most part. It has been lovely to see the return of the Canadian geese, the Robins are here, heard two woodpeckers having a go at a tree in the woods and yesterday saw 3 Red Winged Blackbirds. It all makes the heart sing!
We have 3 new calves born and the rest to come in April as well as one more foal. Hopefully have some pictures for April's blog.
Well wishes to the Maple Syrup folks for a good run this year!
Everyone, take care!
Until next time,
Jeanne & Kim
For what's new on Kim's real estate site link: