Only a couple of days ago I would have said a resounding YES to that question.......looking out the window today though tells an entirely different story!
What began as a rainy day soon gave way to a SNOWY day here on April 9th and they say by mid day the sun shall shine for the remainder of this day....that's truly called a mixed bag!
Won't dwell on the world events at present as everyone is very aware of them, will just say a HUGE thank you to those helpers in the world and our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone.
Here at the farm there is always something to keep us busy. I made up a make shift greenhouse over one of my garden beds to see if I could entice some lettuce to give it a go earlier than usual, put down some new grass seed and have begun to pick up the small limbs and tree debris that fell over the winter. Kim has been busy on the days that the weather co-operated putting in some field tile drainage and other days doing repairs in the barns and outbuildings.

Four long lines
should help out the
drainage in these
fields for years to
come. It was a lot of
digging but boys and
their toys! A throw
back to sandbox
Wishes for a Happy Easter weekend.
Until next time,
Jeanne & Kim
( stay safe)