At the 11th hour
On the 11th day
Of the 11th month
Well, November has rolled around and if you follow this blog at all you will notice I have skipped October. I must have had a premonition of this as I wished a Happy Thanksgiving to all in the September blog.
The competition involves a Halter Line Class, Obstacle Course and Cart Class. It pits Belgians, Percherons and Clydesdales against one another. There are 3 Judges (usually representatives from all 3 breeds) and they all judge independently from one another until the last event has been run. Totals are then tallied and the winner presented. We had the great fortune of winning this event last year (see November 2019 blog) with our mare Ruby, trained and shown by our farrier Jeremy Tingey and family. Jeremy has successfully competed in this Futurity almost since its beginning approximately 12 years ago, winning several times and placing near the top the other times!

Well the last days of October ended with a bit of the white stuff on the ground one afternoon and as we entered November we were blessed with a wonderful few days in a row of VERY warm and lovely weather. We will carry the memory of these into the fall/winter as the days grow colder.
Below are a couple of recent horse photos. First is of 1 and a half year old's Gunner and Frankie. They will be next years Futurity Competitors. They have been the best of friends since birth.
This is a very November looking sky with Frankie in the foreground
And along with the warm temperatures we have been blessed with we have been enjoying some spectacular sunsets.
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Until next time,
Stay Safe,