
December - 2018

As we "dash" through the month of December on our way to the Big Day it is important to "slow" up just enough to make sure we are truly enjoying the preparations. It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and be frazzled long before the actual day arrives. I think most folks can relate to this feeling with all the extra work that seems to befall them from gift buying, to baking, to entertaining, to the actual decorating of  inside of home and out, all on top of the everyday things that need our attention - jobs, homes, kids, meals, laundry, etc...

It truly is a magical time of the year made even more so with a light amount of the white stuff on the ground. I read a sign the other day that said: 
" It doesn't matter what's under the tree - it's who's AROUND the tree that matters."

However you celebrate the holidays in your home may you have a wonderful time with family and friends. If you know of someone who may be alone this time of year - invite them over or maybe take them a tray of cookies to let them know someone is thinking of them.

Have a very
and all the best in the

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim