



This is the Blog that I generally put photo's of Valentine clue's that I have found around the farm prior to the special day. However with all the COLD temperatures and then the ICE, I haven't ventured very far afield looking this year - so forgive me for putting up a photo that I took quite a few years back now when the laying hens had left me this lovely heart in the nesting box one morning!

We are still anxiously awaiting the arrival of this years first foal and thought I would have a photo by now. I can't say as I blame mom or babe for hanging on in this wicked weather. I will leave a spot in this blog to add a picture when able. Along with all the bad weather there has been a great amount of "snow days" for the grandkids.  We all have a great time when they are here and we also get a lot done on the farm - everyone pitches in to help!

I have only recently been working on a few video's (down sizing them to see if I could get them to fit in this blog) and will add them here to see if what I did worked.

                The above video is from a Plow Demonstration Day in 2018 at the Minden Fair. Kim is plowing using new Percheron team, Pep and Penny.

(as I can't get cursor down below the last video I will sign off here, Until next time Jeanne & Kim)

Below Pep and Penny head out pulling Kim in his heated ( see the smoke from stack ) closed in forecart. He recycled an old John Deere tractor cab!