If I added up the "Valentine" years
that my valentine and I have shared it would start to looklike a lot of them. I'm sure like most people we want to
remember them as all being picture perfect! Flowers, dinner
out for two, maybe a movie, a romantic evening!
Truth is probably most of ours were spent with calving cows,
frozen water pipes in the barn, and helping kids finish home-
work or a project. These days you would think there would
be more time for the "Valentine Dream" but alas, we are still
working with animals, frozen water pipes in the barn and now
running grandkids around to hockey and helping with home-work! It's all relative and all good. The love that's shared with friends, family and that special someone on this day and the rest of the year can be something expressed as simply as a weary but knowing smile. My Valentine and I have shared 41 of them this year ( if we haven't miss counted) and for that alone we are very thankful for that and a whole lot of other things in life. Last year ``someone`` left hints in the barn (see archive on right, February 2013) that the day was coming. This year when I was out and about in the yard the other day I couldn't believe the Valentine ``HINTS`` that I found out there. While surveying the landscape I couldn`t help but notice the clues that Valentines was on its way.
Two out of the many bird houses in our yard had changed their entry doors from circles to HEARTS.
The garden tool shed had been graffitied with a HEART on its roof. But maybe the most amazing was what happened at the barn when we went out to do the chores and found:
Tony the Mule. While a lot of equine have white stripes, snips or blazes, it was astounding to see that Tony had aquired a white HEART marking in honour of the Day.

We keep busy in the off hours this time of year with meetings for real estate, planning meetings for the Hastings County 2014 plowing match, a couple of night school courses, hockey, family and friends. Its always nice if we are in town when we run into a customer we've had in the past either with the on Farm Store or Real Estate and have a chat and a catch up. I think this winter is going to feel longer than most as it had such an early start and has been rather severe. If your over 50 it seems like the winters we had as kids.
If your in the LINDSAY are on March 5th or 6th and interested in anything agriculture, be sure to take in the East Central Farm Show at the Lindsay Fair Grounds.
Until next time,
Jeanne & Kim
P.S. This time of year its nice to put a potted daffodil on the kitchen window sill and thing SPRING!
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