As the last days of June dwindle away into the first days of July our thoughts turn to
Canada's Birthday!
May you, family and friends have an enjoyable holiday!
The real estate for rural properties has stayed strong through spring and into early summer. Here at the farm, when we could fit it in, we have been busy baling hay with a bit more to go. With help from family members it all gets done as the real estate comes first and takes Kim on the road.
We also had farm "clean up" days. We had a big truck and bin come in and haul away some metal that we needed cleaned up and another truck and bin for the other items. Below is the OLD Golf car that we use to use as a farm "go between" car to do chores at the other barns. It then turned into a "field" car for the grandkids to learn to drive. The poor thing had seen a lot of miles and a lot of smiles in it's day and owed no one anything. Here it is being picked up and sent off to be turned into something new!
We also attended the Haliburton Spring Fair in Minden to do a plowing seminar with fellow plowfolks. We took our new team of Black Percherons Pep and Penny to give them a whirl and they did a fabulous job for their first outing. ( I unfortunately can't get actual video to transfer so here are Pep and Penny at home practicing)

Dolly & Loretta here and above pulling a borrowed "Chuck Wagon" for the drive.
Below are Grant & Carol and their granddaughters who "hitched" a ride.
Also one of hundreds of cherry trees and Ginsing growing under cover.
I am hoping the videos attached themselves to this blog. I have had difficulties with this in the past. Fingers Crossed !!!
Until next time,
Jeanne & Kim
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