
June 2021

                                                   SUMMER TIME 

                    IS OFFICIALLY HERE!

As June 21st has come and gone it is  hard to believe that the month has gone so fast. Along with the nice weather we have had in June it is also HAY month and HAY we did. Kim took a huge gamble and cut down all 60 acres + in one swoop and we were very fortunate that the weather co-operated and we got it all cut, tedded, raked and baled between a Thursday - to it all being in the barn by Saturday at 6 p.m. Some of the nicest hay we have ever put in! We will have some very happy horses and cows this winter! IF we get any rain in the next few days we hopefully can get a 2nd cut but if it doesn't come soon the fields will be burnt. Spring planted crops of corn, soybean and grains are all looking for moisture as well and I am sure vegetable and market garden folks would like some too.

Here we have a couple of photos of the beautiful BARN QUILT that a special young lady made for the front of our barn.

It was a 4H project done in 2020 and we finally got around to getting it up this month.

It looks fantastic A.R. and we thank you very much for all your hard work. See close up below.

It's looking a little pinkish in the sunset reflection on the front of the barn in this photo but as you can see above it's a lovely sharp contrast of green, white and yellow. I know it was a hard pattern to tape off  A.R. and you did a great job!

We would like to take this time to introduce you to a new/old business in the area. RUA MEATS that has serviced the Belleville/Quinte region for close to 40 years was sold and is under new management.

A big welcome to Colin Perin and his associates to the neighbourhood and we wish them much success in their new venture. We need to retain these local abattoirs for area farmers as well as a great place for anyone to purchase fresh/frozen meat that's grown locally. Usually available by the side or cut.  Check them out on their Facebook page:     or call 613-962-7915 for details. Also watch for their upcoming website.  

The family ended up having a Timmy's coffee break last week down by the one horse pasture and while we were gabbing away all the girls (and one boy) came to see what we were doing. Here is Delhila indulging in the very last drop of coffee ( read: cup was empty!) but it made for a funny video. Maybe Timmy's would like to hire her for advertising purposes!                                           


Not much else to report at present. Hoping all Fathers and Father figures had a great day last weekend and Canada Day is just around the corner.

As we have done in the past months we hope everyone is managing through out this time in history with kindness and patience. Our hearts are with those that have suffered loss of any kind.

If interested in current real estate listings link here to Kim's Century 21 site: 

Until next time,

We have had some spectacular sunsets to enjoy throughout the month of June.

Jeanne & Kim



MAY 2021


                         SPRING PLANTING HAS BEGUN

As seen above spring planting has begun! It's always so nice to see the fields getting disced, cultivated and planted. Here Kim is just finishing up planting corn in the dog leg of the field. The big field you see to the right is also corn and the one behind the tractor is oats seeded down with hay for next year.

The veggie garden was finished planting this morning and once the garlic comes out in July then I will do a 2nd planting of beets and carrots to carry us into the fall. One bed of sweet corn is in and will plant the next 2 a couple of weeks apart to stretch out the harvest. With the warmer weather this past week everything should get a good start but boy we could sure use some rain! 

                  Our last foal for the season arrived April 26th, a filly (girl) we named Charley!

A nuzzle from Mom

A welcome kiss and a bath from Mom

The family pup likes to check on the new babies.

Swarm of bees in our maple tree!

While cutting grass today we observed a lot of bees buzzing and it turns out they were in the midst of a swarm! After about a half hour they formed together in this tree. Needless to say I DID NOT cut any more grass near this area. (Lol)

                                      I am once again having troubles getting the photo's and

the words to line up the way I like so apologies for the gaps of white page at times. It maybe has something to do with the lateness of the hour that I seem to be working at to get blog done. After all I am quite late with it this month!

Horses, Belgian, Mule, Percheron and Fjord are all out on full pasture now and they look so lovely roaming free on the hillside.

The new seeds (hay) from last year are growing really well (see photo below) and with the recent heat  these last couple of weeks of May. We have been most fortunate to have 2 great weeks of planting weather and if it's not to much to ask we will hope for a couple of great Hay making weeks in June - fingers crossed!

New seeds ( Hay )

Well I always have good intentions to write a lot more but the lateness of the hour is catching up with me. 

I will leave you with a photo of Presley - on the move. He is a 1 year old gelding that will hopefully be making his way to the Fall Futurity in 2022. 

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim

For Kim's latest real estate listings link here:


April 2021



Hoping everyone had a great Easter and WOW we sure can't complain about the weather!

April has been above normal, the grass greening, trees budding, daffodils blooming, all wonderful as long as a cold snap doesn't arrive and damage tender blossoms.

Here at the farm the horses go out to pasture for most of the day which is always great to see. It means morning coffee in the sunroom while watching the foals frolic on the hillside.

Winter toys - hockey nets, sleighs, toboggans, shovels (which hopefully we won't need) all put away.

The garlic and strawberries have been uncovered (straw left close by for any COLD nights) and peas that were started in the greenhouse have been planted out and our new Cold Frame that our son built has been put in the raised bed and planted with radishes, 2 types of lettuce and bunching onions.

Thanks to our son for building this for us - much appreciated!

I am having a bit of trouble getting the  Blog to take photo's today and I haven't been taking as many as usual so between the 2 issues I am coming up short handed today. 

We have a new foal coming in the weeks ahead, vegetable seed has been purchased, the oat seed has been picked up and the corn seed has arrived so the planting will begin shortly in both field and garden, lawn mower is being overhauled (oil changed / blades sharpened) and over the next few days I will pick up fallen branches from the lawn ready for the first cut. Last year it was on May 3rd - may be earlier this year.

                            Hope your able to enjoy the warmer days ahead as they unfold.

                                                                 Until next time,
                                                                Jeanne and Kim

If your interested in Kim's current listings link here:


March 2021


            IT's  MAPLE  SYRUP  TIME!!!

            Hoping everyone who produces 

                 syrup has a great season!

There are lots of producers in the Hastings, Prince Edward and Northumberland Counties and beyond    throughout Ontario. One of our favourites is Sandy Flat Maple Sugar Bush,  click link for info:                                                                 

This year again will be a different experience for most bushes with COVID rules still in place. Best to check ahead to see what each is offering to the public. They have come up with some interesting ways to still have the wonderful experience of one of Canada's great products - Pure Maple Syrup.

March - marched in - in a whirl of high winds and cold temperatures (like a Lion) which we gladly accept because if folklore is true then it will retreat at the end with much nicer weather (like a Lamb). Time will tell😊.

A canine friend is seen here above just days ago having a "face wash" in the melting snow and just a couple of days later it's hard to believe that the snow had retreated as much as it did - see photo below!

Along with melting snow and warmer temperatures comes the fact that frost, if any, starts to come out of the ground and what replaces the firm ground underfoot is a soggy and muddy mess for a little while.

If like us you have someone who sometimes forgets to shut a gate then you are subject to a curious critter who sees an opportunity to explore. That happened a couple of days ago when Jeff the Norwegian  Fjord took advantage of such a situation and left a calling card of foot prints all over the lawn😖 - lets just say NO blame was laid but Kim - DID spend a half hour with coffee cup in hand using his foot to replace the divots in the grass - Lol.

Our continued hope is that folks are fairing well and getting through this crazy time in history, that if hardship has befallen anyone our hope is that you are able to find strength and faith to rebuild. If you work the frontlines, are an essential worker or have lost someone for any reason - the world keeps you in their hearts.

                                      Until next time'

                                      Jeanne & Kim                                      


February 2021



Well we have made it around to February and in some very invigorating temperatures I might add. We have had a moderate amount of snow compared to some other regions that have certainly seen more. The snow shoes have come out a couple of times but with the availability of ATV's that make a pressed down path on the 3 or 4 inches of snow we have had - it makes for a nice path underfoot. If you take a long the ski poles incase of a slippery spot one seems to manage ok - and our dog sure hates to miss a day without a walk in it.

In the January blog we had welcomed baby Belgian Archie but have since also welcomed baby girl "Georgie" to our stable. She and her mom "Reign" are doing well. Georgie was born on January the 8th, she and Archie are full of beans and get along great with one another as well.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   We have had lots of time during the month of January to work with and train this duo what with NO hockey games to attended for the grandkids or the Belleville Senators and not much to watch on TV either as well as being in lock down and with the stay at home orders in place - so an enormous amount of time is spent in the barns with all the critters which we and they all enjoy!                                                                                                                                                                                                  The next foal to arrive is in April or May from our girl Olympia.

       To the right here is the Mom and Babes.                                                                                                                                                                                                    From left to right are:                                                                                                                                        Baby Archie                                                                                                                                            His mom Gracie                                                                                                                                             Then Reign                                                                                                                                               and baby Georgie              

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Along with working with the new arrivals we                                                                                         have had some time on the weekends to hook Jeff                                                                                     the Norwegian Fjord in the cutter.

We also have had our girl Delilah that showed                                                                                                                 in the Fall Futurity                                                                                                                                                                                                               (see the November 2020 blog)                                                                                                                                                                                                        hooked on the cutter as well.

                                           Not the best video but you will get the drift ( Lol )

Along with the barn / animal activity the grandkids                                                                              have been spending time working on a rink.                                                                                         Our lower pasture field has a low spot that floods                                                                                  in the late fall - early spring so when the weather                                                                                     is just right as it has been through January we are                                                                            blessed with a great chunk of ice surface.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
                The kids then moved onto the big hill behind the barn to do a little sledding. 

               Below is the homemade Zamboni they designed to flood the ice rink with.


Not much more to report other than to wish everyone a 

Happy Valentines Day,

Happy Family Day,

and a 

Happy Pancake Tuesday,

all coming one after the other on

February 14th, 15th and 16th


Will leave you with a couple of photo odds and ends.

Above are barn cats Rooster and Colt (some folks will know the significance of this, the older grandkids named them)!

As I have done in years past I remain vigilant in 

scouting out heart shapes in objects through out 

the year. 

This leaf was noticed this past fall on a walk in 

the pasture field.

This leaf of lettuce from the garden this past summer was the 

first to hit the plate and of course when I noticed the heart

shape I thought I best record it for the blog.

So if you keep your eyes open and yes, stretch your

imagination just a bit you might be able to see

your own heart shapes throughout your day!

We also send our thanks out to frontline workers, essential workers and to all  who are navigating this time in history also our thoughts and prayers to anyone who has lost a loved one due to this pandemic or for any reason and has had to cope with all the rules and regulations.
                                   Until next time,

                                   Jeanne & Kim

              To see Kim's current listings link here:



January 2021


Well here we are - it is January 3rd, 2021 as I write this blog.

Wishes that everyone had a great Christmas and Holiday within their respective bubbles and all the best for a wonderful Happy, Healthy New Year!

Here at the Farm we enjoyed a great time (albeit a Green Christmas!) with our small bubble of family. Good food always seems to be front and centre and it never goes unnoticed how blessed we are. 

The grandkids were able to strap on the skates 2 days after Christmas for a game of shiny on the low flooded spot in the front field. It felt good to them to play some hockey and it felt great to watch!

As always the "watching" of the World Junior Hockey Tournament over the holidays plays a big roll in this family as well. With such little sports going on these days and no Belleville Senator games to attend or grandkids games to see it has felt a bit like "normal" to be able to view the tournament on TV.


Yesterday (January 2nd) the kids/grandkids were able to get a bit of tobogganing / sledding / GTing / and downhill skiing in on our big hill out back, curtesy of a 4 inch snowfall the night before!

Also in the wee hours of January 2nd ( at 2 a.m. ) we welcomed baby Belgian "Archie."
He arrived without too much fan fare (which is always good) and he and his mom Gracie are doing well. Pictures below.

Mom Gracie and newborn "Archie"


Archie stretching his long legs

Breakfast time!

We now await the arrival later this month of Reign's wee one and our other mare Olympia is due around the end of April.

The weeks leading up to Christmas saw a bit of baking being done (not as much as past years as us older folks really don't  need it  - we just want it 😉).
I have pretty well handed the baking gauntlet over to our daughter as she has become an extremely good cook / baker. I like to take some credit for that but the grandma's and great grandma's that come before her had fabulous cooking skills so she comes by them honestly.

Christmas morning we had her AMAZING cinnamon buns with  morning beverages.

Between Christmas and New Years I tried my hand at bread and bun making again. Both turned out pretty good and I even tried an artesian bread in the cast iron skillet.

Top one is a plain loaf and a cinnamon loaf and the lower one is the artisan!

As we figure our way through the months ahead we send our continued thoughts out to those on the front lines and to all essential workers. Again our thoughts and prayers are with one and all who have been affected by this pandemic.

Don't generally make New Years Resolutions but will work on in 2021, kindness and remembering that we all perceive what happens around us differently so therefore show more tolerance to one another - then maybe find the peace we all seek inside and out.


Until next time,

Jeanne and Kim