
December - 2015 Merry Christmas


Well we are back up and going. Newer technology at my finger tips! 

              First and foremost we would like to wish everyone a 

                   Very Merry Christmas 

                                and a

           Happy, Healthy and Prosperous

                             New Year!

Here at the farm as every where else we enjoyed one of the longest Fall's on record! 
The days have been spectacular and with soybeans done and corn coming off the 
yields have been great for most farmers. We do just a bit of non GMO corn to feed to
our own animals and hope to have it harvested by Christmas.

Jag & Juno
We downsized this year in Santa
 Claus Parade appearances due
 to time restrictions but thoroughly
 enjoyed the ones we had time to
 participate in. Belleville and
 Stirling nighttime parades saw
 Belgian horse team Juno & Jag
 pulling our wagon and Foxboro,
 Frankford and Tweed saw the mule
 plow team of Dolly & Loretta ! 

Juno and Jag patiently waiting their turn at Belleville on the left and strutting over the bridge in Stirling on the right. Lovely warm weather for both outings and lots of people!

Dolly & Loretta preparing to join the que at the Foxboro Parade
As the days have been so lovely it should not have seemed so bizarre to see the sight of this butterfly/moth on a dog walk but considering that it was the very last week of November 
when I snapped this photo it really was unbelievable. There were so many flying about
it seemed like something I witnessed in August! I will have to research were they GO?
 to spend their winters as it seemed they should already have been heading that way!

We have found that the Real Estate has stayed strong throughout this great fall and leading up until Christmas! A big thank you to all clients, past, present and future also the readers of this blog all the best for a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season with family and friends. Wishing everyone a super 2016!

We leave you with the picture used for the December 2016 page of our Real Estate Calendar.


Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim


November - 2015

NOVEMBER'S BLOG IS SHORT !  With  "MY" computer on it's last legs it was determined to replace it the other morning when all  it would do was let you turn it on and 8 seconds later would "CLICK" itself off. After repeat performances of this feat we " PULLED THE PLUG." So am writing on Kim's computer and have no access to photo's. So when the  new one gets here I will update this blog spot.

It is kind of odd though that only a mere 4 years ago I was completely computer illiterate and proud of it and here I am lamenting about not having it to work on.

The line about not being able to teach an ole' dog new tricks isn't always true I guess, although certainly not speedy by any means I have learned to maneuver around the computer, at least to this blog and to assist Kim with the real estate.

Until December,

Jeanne & Kim


October 2015



             ONE AND ALL

May you find much to be grateful for this holiday weekend. The list doesn't have to be grand. Everyday simple pleasures are all around us. From the sunshine to raindrops, green grass to coloured leaves.                       
            ENJOY !!!           

                  Below are a few fall pictures from the Farm.

A view through the woods.

The hay field at sunset in October.

L to R  Gracie, Poppy, Olympia and Jag

Early morning fog over the Farm.

September 2015

                                  Short & Sweet                                       

Here  we are - the last day of  September @ 11:30 a.m. and I am rushing to get the blog up truly at the 11th hour!  Always a busy month with area plowing matches and the biggy - the International Plowing Match  ( IPM ). This year held in the town of Finch, Ontario. 

 To the left is Kim plowing with Molly Mules - Dolly and Loretta from Tennessee and right is our grandson taking Tom & Jerry to the plow field.
 Kim had a great week. Was 2nd twice, 5th and over all finished 3rd. Our grandson had two 2nd place finishes and was 5th over all in his class.  There was about 22 horse plowers in total on the grounds, about 12 in the sulky (riding) plow class divided into 2 groups and about 10 in the walking plow class divided into 2 groups.

Great Eastern Hospitality was enjoyed by all. The organizers of the horse division had great facilities for our horses & mules. THANK YOU!

Will leave you with 2 photos of the rising sun. Early morning on the last day of match!

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim



             DOG DAYS OF SUMMER               

Living just a few minutes outside of the bustling metropolis of Belleville would lead one to think we are more urban than rural - NOT SO. This farm we call home is a wonderful example of a lot of what mother nature has to offer within minutes of town! The farm seems to be teaming with both domestic animals and wild life.

We get to listen to true " Country Music " with the frogs croaking their chorus first thing in the spring every night as we drift off to sleep, then as spring turns to summer we hear the birds and babies chirping and singing their own species special song, morning doves haunting tune in the a.m. and the robin sweet notes as the day progresses. Then there is the crickets chirp, lovely through out the day but a tad annoying at 3 a.m. if they found away inside.

Probably the most recognized sound of the " Dog Days of Summer "  would be the tree Locust or some call them a Cicada. Their hum is indicative of a VERY hot day!

A special sight here on the farm began a few years ago now. Up on the south pasture a wonderful ritual was started. It seems that a few hundred Dragon Flies call the area closer to the trees "home". Day in and day out they can be seen flying and diving to grab any and all misquotes out of the air. This show has led the grandkids and myself to give the route a name of honour as seen in the pictures at right. " Dragon Fly Way "

We are also hosts to many four legged critters, squirrels, fox, deer, coyote, skunks, and neighbourhood sightings of moose, fishers, porcupines, bears and cougars!

 The garden this year has a visiting rabbit. Most all of the veggies he or she would like to munch are in my raised beds so I have foiled their plans but they are enjoying the clover that I planted under the tomato plants as green fertilizer. I accidentally found one of the fluffy fellows while picking tomatoes. I moved my foot forward and heard the most horrified squeal and the little bunny took off at an alarming rate. He/she appeared to be fine and continues to munch on the clover and leaves all else alone!

We have a couple of Farm Show's and Plowing Matches under our belts and had great fun at both.  We had our Century 21 booth set up at the Hasting's Match and it was visited by many. We were blessed with great weather although HOT and the rain held off till most got out of the plow field, except us, we got soaked through and had to have a tractor pull us out. Trailer, mules, plow, gator and golf cart!!! Kim thought I should have taken a picture and if I hadn't been drenched and in ill humour I would have. I have since dried out and cheered up!

The garden is producing nicely and tomato sauce is on the canning list at this time. My daughter plants and tends the onions and you can see they have done very well. Thanks C.

She also gave her Dad a hand at showing Gracie the filly foal at the Simcoe Show where they won a 2nd place ribbon. 

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s ! ! ! 

I will leave this time with a picture of the herd of beef cows, Moms and Babies a top the hill enjoying the evening breeze and the great view !

Remember :  As we enjoy all the wild life we have around us we must also find a place to "like" the snakes, spiders, wasps, flies etc... they all have their place in the greater scheme of things !!!  Welcome to you all !  Just all stay outside!!!

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim


July 2015

                         WHOA !  HANG ON NOW !

  Don't give up on me, it's technically still July even if it is the last day,  so this blog can still be dated July!  Every new year I declare a blog a Month and strive to fulfill  that and by golly just like a school project due on a Monday that you had a month to do  and would get done on the Sunday night - I am here!

Been a busy month July has, from Real Estate, to haying, to having grandkids, to the veggie garden, to farm chores, to yard care, to social engagements and all the regular stuff inbetween like meals, laundry etc...  The garden took a while to get going but alas has take off.  First run beans are in the freezer and a few pickled along with some cucumbers. Will cook down some beets today for winter.

The peas both snow and pod have flourished up until now. The recent heat wave has taken it's toll and the rest will go to the pigs and chickens for a foliage treat for them.

 Every year I think I have planned the best garden and somehow I find there is always room for improvement.  I tried planting clover at the base of the tomato plants for a green carpet to hold moisture, keep pests down, keep tilling and weeds down and use as a green manure at plow down time. The jury is still out, I will report at the end of the growing season.

  I continue to absolutely love the raised beds we put in a few years ago!  It is wonderful to pick peas, beans, carrots, beets, cherry tomatoes, garlic, strawberries, etc... at waist height. NO BENDING!  I know the up and down is a good workout but when you have knees that milked cows for 30 years you know why the uprights are so nice.  

Dolly & Loretta the Tennessee Mules made their debut at O'hara Mill Heritage Day on July 26th back in Madoc. This is our 5th plowing demo back there but the mules first.       The girls did a fine job!

    Lots of folks took in the day. If you have never been it is so worth putting on your list for next July. They also have more activities coming up as the year continues.

Dave Little (volunteer) 
The Town Crier announced events

On the left is Dave Little, one of the many volunteers that make this wonderful glimpse into pioneer ways come to life. Check out O'hara Mill Homestead at:

As summer marches on the Plowing Matchs begin. First up is the Hasting County Plowing Match and Farm Show on August 19th and 20th. This year it is being held at the far east end of the county at the farm of  Wayne and Brian Chadwicks just north of the 401. See  for map and details.

The next blog is always forming in my mind throughout the month so I will hope to get Augusts up just after the plowing match.

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim



June 2015


     Well here it is the end of June 2015. Was beginning to wonder if I'd find the time to do this months blog but this rainy Sunday afternoon has allowed a slower pace on the farm today so I will do catch up.

The strawberries this year, I have heard, are hit and miss. Unfortunately some folks patches got hit with that late frost in May. Ours did, even though we covered the plants the first blossoms all turned black in the centre.  It took me a while but I picked all them off and a new flush of blossoms emerged and went on to flourish into some of the best berries we have ever grown or eaten. I am well aware our patch is of minuscule size compared to a commercial grower and that they wouldn't be able to hand pick the bad blossoms as I did. Last year my strawberries were not as good but the raspberries were amazing, this year so far they don't look as good, and all my blossoms on my apple trees were frosted off, so alas, no apples this year. If you really think about it, our food source could be wiped out very easy in any given circumstance mother nature being one of them. A great deal of respect should be awarded  to the folks that grow our food and take the "chances."

With that said we have enjoyed a few bowls of fresh berries, there are a few jars of jam in the freezer and once a year I make a large bowl of Strawberry Tiffle to share with family and friends which we did the other night!  Now if those raspberries would just perk up!!!

As the veggie garden is not yet picture worthy ( to cold - every thing is at a stand still)  I will move on to a picture of the mama cows. They are enyoying an evening stroll on the top of the hill while their calves where sleeping near by in the longer pasture grasses. 

Young Gracie is seen here on the left sand-wiched between her Mom Olympia and her Aunt Poppy in front. She loves being on pasture and meeting all the other horses and mules on the farm. We think by the photo on the right that she may have been hanging around the mules a little more than she should as her ears look to be a little to long for her head!?? Regardless, all are doing well and loving the cooler weather!

You gotta look very close at this photo to find the subject, no, not the door handle. I was putting a chair back and this little fellow hopped of the back of the chair and clung to the door, I think he's a tree frog but I haven't researched it yet.

He was such a pretty colour of green,  but it lost something in the close - up!

Here we have Kim out working the new team of mules Dan and Barney. They hail from Texas and have been here on the farm since May. We thought they might be ready to plow this year but seems they may take a bit more slowing down to walk the snails pace you need for competitive plowing. 

Kim, Dan and Barney 

I didn't write at the beginning of the month and wish all the Dad's and Dad figures a Wonderful Fathers Day so I do so now. The dads around the farm ( grandpa, son-in-law and son) all had a good day. Happy Fathers Day to Great Grandpa "PA"

I also hope all the mothers enjoyed a great day in May. One of our grandsons made this cool sign out of "Lego" for his Mom.  

I thought it picture worthy!

I told him not to worry about the backwards letters P as that was artistic license, he told me they were that way to hold themselves up!

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim


MAY 2015


Kim recently SOLD 3 different farms to new folks to the area. Two of them are growing ORGANIC produce for locally picked up - CSA either in town or on the farm. Check out their amazing websites at: located on Sills Rd. Stirling and located on Anderson Island Rd. Stirling. The third farmer will be selling at roadside and will have flowers as well as vegetables and are located on the Foxboro/Frankford Road just west of Hwy 62.

Another already established CSA is Stratton Farm and worth looking up where they have done an amazing job on their farm and raise veggies, eggs, pork, chickens, turkeys and goats. They are located on Maple Rd, Stirling. 

We are a very blessed area to have these and others to raise quality vegetables, fruits, meats etc... for folks and their families and friends. And with the amount of people in the bigger city of Belleville and the out-lying areas there is more than enough customers for everyone.

May everyone share their knowledge and lend a helping hand whether it's farmer to farmer or  you - the customer, CSA stands for: Community Shared Agriculture whether you are a customer or a pier group farmer. 

Remember the ole' 4H Moto:                                                                                        

Wishing you all an amazing growing season and from one farmer to another may you have enough rain and sunshine!

As promised from last blog I  have a new photo of Gracie the baby Belgian.  As you know we have had precious few rain days in April / May, but this filly found the only mud on the farm and proceeded to have a good roll, covering everything but her eyes and nose! Click on pic to enlarge!

Well, May seems to be 3/4 over! Did we have spring?  It seemed to be either unbelievable hot, more like July/August weather or it was reminiscent of March with very cool days, COLD nights and wind.

My Grandmother repeatedly told me "Never plant your garden dear until after the date of May 24th"  not the long weekend mind you, the actual date of May 24th. Grandma was right!  I puchased plants early, put some in the garden the other day ( not my tender tomatoes & peppers - they are in the greenhouse ) but I tried basil out and wrapped it well for the night as well as broccoli and cabbage. Well the basil bit the dust and we are keeping fingers crossed for the survival of the others. I lost 4 tender flowers in the planters but the others made it through the night under a sheet. We apparently have one more night of cold as I write this and then we should be good to go! I've heard of others who lost a great deal more.

Here on the farm the spring grain has gone in and been underseeded with future hay crop and the non-GMO corn went in yesterday. The dry conditions have been great for small & large scale farming to get crops planted but we sure could use some warm rain.

Calves have been arriving this past week and we got delivery of two little black piglets. New laying hens have been introduced to the older girls and everyone is getting along fine. (Pictures in June)

Kim has had a trip to Texas to bring home a new pair of Mules to plow with. Names and pictures in June as well.

These two pictures are of Calvin the stallion enjoying the outdoors.

The real estate is staying very strong this spring for rural homes & farms. It is both a joy & a blessing to be able to help folks sell or buy and to see their dreams come together.  Thank you!

Remember a dandelion is just a pretty little yellow flower with great food and medicinal purpose, they are only here for such a short time, learn to love them!

Until next time,

Jeanne & Kim