
FEBRUARY 2023 - and it's been awhile!


                            SINCE I ............"BLOGGED"

Wow - not since June 2021 have I made a blog entry on this page! Many reasons (and excuses Lol) why I haven't but we will just leave them alone and start afresh today!

A little more than a year and a half has passed and many farm stories, horse births, kitten births, piglet arrivals, beef cows come - beef cows go, laying hens eggs laid and fields worked, planted, harvested and repeated all over again!

Gracie & Maverick

   Arrivals this year so far include Belgian stud  

   foal "Maverick" born the first part of January.

       Meet him here with his mother Gracie.

     Maverick is a solid - not so little - fellow,

                 Kim calls him "Tank."

Ruby & Poppy

  About 3 week ago now we welcomed the arrival of filly foal 



           pictured here and below with her mother Ruby. 


      The two youngsters and their mothers are doing well.

Poppy and mom Ruby

We have one more foal expected in about 3 weeks so will 

share photos in the March blog. We have quite a few equine 

here on the farm at present. The most numbers are the

Belgian draft horses (these are Kim's favourite), mares, 

foals, yearlings, 2 year old's, a couple of 3 year old's and 2 

stallions. There is also our go to team of Percheron draft  

horses Pep and Penny who we can hook to the sleigh, cutter, 

wagon, buggy or farm equipment and know they will do a great job for us. They share pasture with 3 

Norwegian Fjords, Johnny, June and Jeff. We also are home to 4 Draft Mules, Dolly, Loretta, Tammy 

and Patsy who are the go to girls for plowing matches. (There are photos of all these guys in past blogs 

check them out in the archives).

I am going to leave this "blog return" here at this time. Hope everyone has enjoyed a nice winter of 2023 so far. Some of us stay put and enjoy the great outdoors whether that involves snowmobiling, skiing, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, tobogganing, (horse drawn sleigh rides) or just plain walking with the dogs over snowy fields, others feel the pull to get away for various amounts of time to find the warmth that won't return for a few more months! Pictured here was a very icy day that covered the trees and shrubs with dripping diamonds of glitter - the photo just couldn't capture how beautiful it was. We have however had fairly moderate temperatures this winter with just a few days of bitter cold. Pictured below is one of the laying hens on one of those warmer windless winter days when we could have the barn door ajar and she found some rays of sunshine to enjoy some sunbathing.

Until Next Time,                                                                                                                 

Jeanne & Kim

If you are interested to see Kim's current 

Real Estate Listings link here to his