
March 2021


            IT's  MAPLE  SYRUP  TIME!!!

            Hoping everyone who produces 

                 syrup has a great season!

There are lots of producers in the Hastings, Prince Edward and Northumberland Counties and beyond    throughout Ontario. One of our favourites is Sandy Flat Maple Sugar Bush,  click link for info:   https://www.facebook.com/Sandy-Flat-Sugar-Bush-221049821405687/                                                                 

This year again will be a different experience for most bushes with COVID rules still in place. Best to check ahead to see what each is offering to the public. They have come up with some interesting ways to still have the wonderful experience of one of Canada's great products - Pure Maple Syrup.

March - marched in - in a whirl of high winds and cold temperatures (like a Lion) which we gladly accept because if folklore is true then it will retreat at the end with much nicer weather (like a Lamb). Time will tell😊.

A canine friend is seen here above just days ago having a "face wash" in the melting snow and just a couple of days later it's hard to believe that the snow had retreated as much as it did - see photo below!

Along with melting snow and warmer temperatures comes the fact that frost, if any, starts to come out of the ground and what replaces the firm ground underfoot is a soggy and muddy mess for a little while.

If like us you have someone who sometimes forgets to shut a gate then you are subject to a curious critter who sees an opportunity to explore. That happened a couple of days ago when Jeff the Norwegian  Fjord took advantage of such a situation and left a calling card of foot prints all over the lawn😖 - lets just say NO blame was laid but Kim - DID spend a half hour with coffee cup in hand using his foot to replace the divots in the grass - Lol.

Our continued hope is that folks are fairing well and getting through this crazy time in history, that if hardship has befallen anyone our hope is that you are able to find strength and faith to rebuild. If you work the frontlines, are an essential worker or have lost someone for any reason - the world keeps you in their hearts.

                                      Until next time'

                                      Jeanne & Kim